Committing to living your life from intuition vs ego

Have you spent multiple years making every major decision or most of your choices from intuition, or deciding to operate from ego? Please share.

I spent 10 years committing to operating from intuition and it led me to so many unique and interesting places. I escaped a nasty illness by moving to the location intuited. I met true like minded, life long friends, I spent much more time alone as a hermit, and I developed my internal field to a level I never thought I could. I healed my body and mind to a supreme level. I also developed my own path spiritually for others.

I moved to a new place, as I said, and decided I would give my Human a chance. Man oh man.

Rather than following intuition, I thought these people were just like me, I befriended them.

I thought this was the perfect career. And, I was hired quickly.

I thought this was the perfect house to live in. I decided to stay and make it a home.

Welp, these people are not how they seem. These shiny happy people have mighty fangs. This job put me through mental abuse through every level of leadership. This house was run by a scammer, and the next person in his succession is power hungry.

I’m really screwing this up.

But at least my human is developing, I guess. I surrender back to my essence :zipper_mouth_face: :sweat_smile:

Please share your experiences and learnings/blessons…


I would definitely strive to obtain a balance of the two.

Reflecting back, in my past, I was mostly following the ego. Since being on the forum and since the release of certain intuition enhancing fields, I would make more and more decisions based on intuition.

But in various situations the ego is truly required imo.

I suppose there comes a moment where you can integrate both and switch seemlessly or merge them and let them work together beautifully.

I think intuition + ego can generate an amazing kind of flow state.

Demonizing the ego or striving to be fully ego -less, I don’t know if that’s a great idea tbh. The ego is a guide too, just in a different way.

The existence of fields like ego dissolution tells me that on average we operate too much on ego and hence a balancing would be helpful.

But think about any sports competition how important the ego is.

Well, these are my considerations


I know you have a great point. I know it. There is purpose to be explored there. Purpose that would likely make a great team. The question that follows and begs to be asked: How do we make the ego more wise ?? Develop it, mature it?

I would think general wisdom and life experience would be the case, perhaps mine is stunted from living so long from intuition. … I jest.

Where is the Remedial Ego Development Course? Lol


Perhaps you can find beneficial reading the threads regarding the field called “Malleable Ego”

Heal the traumas the ego has

Otherwise you will get involved in stories and attract events that resonate with these traumas


A-Ha… that’s why I followed my intuition in the first place. Intuition led to safety. However, those have been my focus for the past 10 years. :thinking: rewired and everything. Finally free of those traumas. That’s why I decided to give the ego a chance. Curious…

Currently on post 76. I’m aware of these things, and practice them, actually. I took myself through a brain rewiring course a while back, eliminated cptsd and it was the last snip of the past. Hence my confusion. These experiences are a near180 of what I was living.

I don’t know.

I don’t think I’m meant to live my life from ego

Even partially

Why after living a life from intuition did you decide that following programming might lead to a better life?

You don’t need to share that, of course. It might just be heading in a backwards direction. Intuition showed me early on that, like Nice said, ego is helpful for certain situations, but it’s not a polestar to a fulfilling spiritual life. Have you tried the Clairvoyance Potion? It takes your inner strengths and helps them to guide you in new and different ways.


They were reasons that, while they don’t sound personal, were quite personal. I thought I’d give myself a real good shot at reaching those reasons, feeling they couldn’t be experienced without allowing my ego to lead.

Speaking a little indirectly about it, there’s a level of sacrifice that is made choosing a life of intuition, sacrifices on many levels. Some levels that are a core desire. Having those core desires feel out of reach is tough. Especially when it seems the further you go on the spiritual path, the further the chance at achieving those desires feels.

I haven’t used that potion yet. I’ll give it a look. It would be good to revisit my strengths and find new ways to apply those, and perhaps be drawn into seeing how these desires can be played out with a spiritually focused life.

When reading your first post I got the impression that you were operating more from the ego, believing it was intuition…

How would you define each one? How are they different/similar.


If you’re having a thought/emotion as a reaction to reading the first line, that could be your ego.

If you began writing in response with clarity and purpose, that could be your intuition.

But the impetus, or the start to do anything is the ego. Otherwise you would just go along with someone else’s ego.

Which first post?

I definitely operated from intuition.

First post in this thread. Unless you had something else in mind?

Well, I didn’t know if you were referring to my first post here ever, lol.

I allow myself to feel exasperation and emotions freely, and to express them. I do so intentionally.

This may make me appear as inexperienced.

I’m far from it.

How is amount/perception of experience related to ego or intuition, as you see it?

Similar in asking about emotion, and intentionality.

Knowing your Self deeply brings you on the journey of understanding ego vs intuition. That path is 101. Foundation.

So in this case, knowing your self deeply, is something you state you have experience in. Enough to identify the difference in ego vs intuition. Would you be able to explain in words? Or even a medium of your choosing? The difference between the two.

What’s the purpose in asking?

The words have been used but the meaning isn’t clear. To better understand.

Hm :slightly_smiling_face: