Communicating with subconscious

As per title, is there a good field to communicate with the subconscious?
Particularly getting answers from it


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With IPF I hear my subconscious forming sentences especially while I’ve fallen almost all the way to sleep.

As for audio, Hemispheric Connection. Some consider the right brain to be more related to the subconscious than the left. I’ve gotten quicker answers and insights with this field.


Dream himself said, that the new DMT song help can help you communicating with the subconscious:

You can look up how “automated writing” works and try it out. Basically you ask your subc. questions and you answer by writing without really thinking what sentence you are going to create.


What’s IPF? a tag ?.


Conceptual thinking seems to be the ideal form of communication with the subconscious mind. It is described in these blog posts:

The Animal Empathy/Telepathy video develops the nerve clusters needed for conceptual thinking.


Thanks for the link but to me is quite confusing…
One has to mantain an idea of somehing, without naming or describing it (inner hearing) and without images… what about sense of touch, taste, smell, sound, location? Are these escluded too?
If so, what does remains?

How do one ask a question instead?

Also, subconscious rarely uses images… what about dreams?
Or words in automated writing



I didn’t realize that was what conceptual thinking is. It’s been my primary mode of thought for all my life. IPF includes increased conceptual thinking.

Imagine thinking in “touch” only. But the things you are touching in your mind are not physical. They don’t relate to anything physical. They don’t remind you of anything physical. You are touching feelings, but not emotions, feelings only in the sense that they have a meaning. But you’re not really touching them either, you are only touching them in the sense that they exist in your mind.


What is actually there in the mind?

Blank black space and some shapes that you can’t see, but you just sort of feel or know where they are. They are not definite shapes, just loose representations of the ideas you are thinking about. They morph or change while you are “looking” at them.


I guess that wasn’t too helpful. I’m describing what it’s like but not how to do it. So it’s like I’m describing the symptoms of something instead of the cause.

Think about love. But not as a feeling. It’s a thing. It exists. Think about it, but don’t think about it by thinking about someone doing an action that represents love to you. Just think about love. Don’t feel it. Don’t put any words to it. It’s there. Can you “see” it? It doesn’t have color or form. Get it?

Now think about debt in the same way… or anything else at all.


Honestly I don’t :rofl:

Maybe mind can be so subtle that one don’t recognize there is actually something appearing, what here is called concept?

Sorry. Luckily they’re coming out with the course so you don’t have to count on my “teaching” skills… lol.

Ok. But I can’t help myself. One more try. Just think in Meaning. Imagine Meaning is one of the senses. Sight, Touch, Smell, Taste, Hearing, and Meaning.


Makes me want to purchase IPF :sob: I know speaking to the subconscious is basically a cheat code to life but I’ve been putting it off. :-1:t5:


Dont worry, thanks for your help!

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Meaning would be thought (that resonates with “concept”)…
But maybe a very subtle thought that you dont actually hear like a voice in your mind?

You want to know what is conceptual thinking?

I’m trying to undrstand the article posted above

Well ok… i will just say what i wanna say…
In my experience… Conceptual thinking is like, you read a word and you know what it means… But, you dont hear your mind say the words… You just know what it means, but you cant get the words out to say it…
Same about things, animals etc…You know what it is, but you dont see the picture…


I should leave that to Sapien Med. I’m merely describing my thinking and assuming it’s conceptual based on what you said above. I’ve never heard before that that is what conceptual thinking is; thinking apart from the 5 senses. Guess I should read that article.