Community Project: Awakening/Manifesting from the Illuminated Heart (Applications Closed)

Hello everyone,

I wish to create a project that is the culmination of information from Drunvalo’s newest works. Some of the most important aspects of it include:
-Living from the tiny space of the heart or sacred space of the heart (as well as teaching you the process to get back there)
-Manifesting from the Tiny space of the heart (the heart manifests in unity while the brain can only manifest in duality which means you can get what you want but you’ll also manifest the opposite.)
-Activation of the Merkaba or Light Body (it is automatically activated after the steps and allows for programming of the reality/space around you. ex. You can program it divert pollution/negative entities/energies/EMF/planetary influences etc. as well as align you with energies of ascension, repair and heal all traumas in your four lower bodies etc etc.)
-Connection with higher self/remembering past lives and purpose here on Earth


  • Living from the Tiny Space of the Heart (which is in the sacred space of the heart)
  • all 8 Psychic light tubes are in the correct place, activated and connected to the pineal chakra and pulsing together in harmony
  • brain produces alpha waves, pineal gland is facing forward and alpha waves from the pineal chakra connects to the external chakra outside of the third eye. (This process is imperative for manifesting from the heart)
    -automatically takes in 4th dimensional prana (to sustain the merkaba)

There are many more benefits to this but these are the main points. Would anyone be interested?


This sounds like a very interesting project. Different from others I have seen. Good job! :)


What Drunvalo materials are the most applicable to this topic? I see workshops given by students but haven’t found anything else yet. Granted I’ve only looked for 5 min lol.


Very interested :slight_smile: I used to use a mandala/mediation from another creator that was focused on The Sacred Heart. I feel like something far better can be achieved and accomplished here though.


Yes all of the information that I put in the initial post is from the workshops. But the books that are relevant include Living in the Heart, The Secret of the Flower of Life volumes 1&2. The method of activation of the Merkaba in the second volume of the flower of life is outdated however as it is synthetic while the merkaba of the heart is created naturally as a result of fulfilling the previous steps. @Rosechalice hope that helps. I’ll check back in this thread later tonight if you have any other questions :slightly_smiling_face:




A suggestion to expand on this-Gaining knowledge from ancestors of ur past lives, but also the ancestors of ur current vehicle we call human body.

If this is to be omni friend(servitor) how about this unique ability
Continuos development of Universal transceiver-
1.Ability to download concepts from Akashic records, other dimensions, all places u want, or omni friend deems as useful/necesary for u to know.
2.Manifestattion booster-Each time we are meditating, we are sending the Universe our desires so to say, while experiencing elevated emotions.This process of “sending” is optimized, and continually improved.This is probably done already by what u suggested, but I thought it is worth mentioning.

3.Induce Gamma Brainwaves at will-What differentiates experienced meditators(Tibetan monks) from normal people, is the amount of Gamma brainwaves they experience daily.
Not sure if I remember right, but dr Joe Dispenza mentioned people in his workshops experience them after meditating for a long time(11pm-4am if I am not mistakes) while focusing on Pineal gland, and what follows is Out of Body experience. Also it is said that people experience bliss, when in Gamma.
Also, it would be worth to explore possibility of unlocking Lambda waves, which is the state Yogi enters when “hibernating” if I recall correctly. Well it is lower than Delta, and we dont know of other brainwave states so I could be wrong.
Suggest me books to check out so I can have more ideas.Oh yeah, messaged u about wanting to get included.




Thank you for the invite @Ric_Flair! I am familiar with Drunvalo’s work. Prospect Meditation Tools is the only channel on YouTube that has the exact precise frequency down to the decimal to activate the Pineal Chakra. I believe it is 445.30hz or around that area. He was inspired by Drunvalo.

I work with The Sacred Heart chakra daily. Incase anyone would like to know- One of it’s mantras is Hum…Hrim Shrim Klim Parameshwari Swaha is another one.


Ohhh man,my boi is about to get involved.Good to see ya @Gnosticmedic27


You too my man! Happy to be apart of this one.


Maybe we can finally create the thing we wanted :grinning:

Would love the opportunity to join as well :)


The powerful @Gnosticmedic27 hath returned :pray:t3::clap:t3:


My best friend on the whole forum wutupppp!


Already so much positive heart energy in this thread :smiley:


This would be so powerful! My understanding is that the thymus chakra and lung chakras are responsible for the rememberance of past lives. Chanting the vowel A is said to help but it takes a lot of subconscious limits clearing and meditation as well. Would be awesome if we can skip all that and have a field that would automate it. Anyone have any luck with Echoes of The Past?


Count me in please! Spiritual growth is my biggest theme for the next year, and this seems like it would really help!


Hm, here is a wild idea. As I dont see it being based on any deity, how about Shiva or Ganesh since he is the destroyer of obstacles?
I am sure someone will have more suitable deitis to suggest, although ngl having Shiva as a friend would be wild.
Edit:Lakshmi for her Divine feminine energy would also be a good choice.


I would like to participate if there is room.


I am interested as well, if there are still spots available…