Computer Science (Testimony)

This specialized brain field empowers you to think using the logical operators “AND”, “OR”, “NOT”, “IF-THEN” intuitively, fostering a mindset rooted in computational logic. Seamlessly identify finite states and transitional states, as well as input/output dynamics, enabling a profound understanding of intricate systems.

Gain an intuitive understanding of processes at hand, whether they are iterative, adaptive, random, convergent, or cyclical. This comprehensive insight equips you to navigate and optimize complex algorithms with ease.

Our brain field enhances your ability to recognize unique entities, categorize them into broader concepts (class), attribute detailed characteristics (data), and link their actions/functionalities to their class (behavior). This advanced cognitive skill facilitates a nuanced comprehension of object-oriented programming and data structures.

Experience an intuitive understanding of data-flow and the ability to decompose problems into smaller binary choices, enabling you to tackle challenges with precision and efficiency.

Detach from subjective, human-centric interpretations with an enhanced ability for abstraction hierarchy, organizing knowledge from abstract to concrete layers. Develop a refined capability for abstraction/concretization, effortlessly shifting between abstract concepts and tangible implementations. Furthermore, enhance your function abstraction, gaining a deeper understanding of abstract functions and their applications.

Transform your approach to computer science, unlocking new levels of clarity, logic, and problem-solving prowess.


I have some private reviews to share for all 3 of these releases, the members didn’t know the descriptions as I have only revealed them here publicly for the first time.

Be right back


What are differences between

Computer science
Computer language

In term of achievement?

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This one is about the fundamental computer science, understanding how the machine works, the science of computing, what the computer does and how to achieve outcomes using computing machines.

Computer language is really about the coding itself, I guess it’s the most practical, direct of them both.

Some people are great at coding, some people are great at designing algorithms, at understanding and developing new applications of computing. It’s not unusual to have someone who understands the computational science and designs algorithms while not being a coder to then give that design to a coder who specializes in translating that design into machine readable instructions.

Both works hand in hand, For example, they both have a creativity/problem solving aspect. Computer science is great at solving real world problems using computers. Computer language is great at solving computational problems through innovative coding. That’s just the problem solving subfield embedded in each one.

To have the best results, the choice was made to have 2 separate fields but each very specific about what they do.


good, you beat me to it, I had an idea like this one.

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It’s a project from months ago, it’s just public now

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i bought this today :blush:


@Dr_Manhattan is it also beneficial for using special programs like rhino or audio producing platforms? Or is it only for the real deep programming and coding?

The theory of algorithms. The basis of the basics :muscle:
Programming was hard for me when I was focused on syntax. With this, everything became simple and accessible.


That’s the intended goal. It can trickle down, but the labelled use is this.


I’m not sure if it’s this field but something I’ve noticed is that when I read, I seem to be paying closer attention to the shape/contours of the text.

It’s like I can subtly feel/sense the control points and curves that make up the font, and each word has a texture to it.

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Thank You @Dr_Manhattan :pray:t3:

This + programmer would be a great combination, right?

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They are both different, both have benefits related to computer science. So yes :slight_smile: