Conceptual Realizations

I’m thinking this field is worth it just to understand the deeper meaning behind DW’s fields descriptions


conceptual realizations is a great ego checker.

when you are aware of more things in your life, you have more control and empowerment. i feel more free from the mindsets/personalities i’ve been wearing.

when i feel blocked, i listen to this to help me feel better and find solutions. it provides me with different perspectives when i get stuck on only seeing through one view and feeling blocked and limited.

new realization:
boredom happens for me when my ego feels like there’s nothing more to learn or improve.

boredom happens when i keep seeing the same pattern repeat over and over and i keep doing the same action.

i feel like shen energy would complement well to get out of over-experienced loops.

i’ve had anxiety with work because it was mainly seeing and doing the same things over and over without anything new to positively stimulate me. conceptual realizations is helping me find new appreciations for my work.



conceptual realizations, is this something for the average jane and joe? It sounds like something that helps people who have communication defecits


This for everyone who uses words to communicate :slightly_smiling_face:.


Interesting @Zen, speaking from personal experience, when communicating most of my own attention is on the person and how they express themselves rather than just the words.

From a class I used to have I learned that most of the communication is in our body language and tone of voice, - like 90% of it and only 10% in the words.

Can you explain why this field would help an average person when it just focuses on the real meaning of someone’s words?

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OM said it beautify.


I see, so intuitive insight into what someone is saying. Got it


Ways to use Conceptual Realizations:

  • Reading a book or listening to an audio book.
  • Meditation
  • Understanding spiritual guides and their wisdom (quotes, teachings, experiences)
  • Talking to yourself. There’s a new perspective when you verbally respond to your thoughts.
  • Improving skills
  • Hobbies
  • Reading facial expressions and body language
  • Analogies, Metaphors, and Similes

How do you use Conceptual Realizations?


Playing valorant (jokes hahaha)

I love the reading / listening to audio books. I try to listen to an audio for at least 30 mins a day on my way to the gym or wherever I need to go.

I’ve noticed in the past I looked at others farcical expression and kinda “knew” that they were saying was distorted and asked him to explain more and almost felt like I was guiding them in actually saying what they wanted to say.


So while this is probably the best field for understanding what people actually mean, and the true meaning behind their words… what would be the best field for helping other people to understand what you really mean - avoiding miscommunication, mastering how to communicate your true intentions to others, etc?


If I remember correctly, there was some talk upthread about how [ETA: with this field], when you understand how people think and then construct their speech from those thoughts, you become more masterful in tailoring what you mean to their constructs and concepts. (That’s a concept that comes to us, in part, from NLP.)


Yes. Insight into what someone or something (a situation) is communicating, verbal or non-verbal. All of it: body language, micro expressions, tones, spaces and pauses, etc. Not just the words.

But also not limited to interactions with other people.

Even works for analyzing data I would think. Numbers and figures. Charts, trends, patterns. Any media, books, movies, games, as others above have mentioned.

That’s how it also helps you learn life lessons. “Hindsight is 20/20” but now with more epiphanies.


I suffer from depersonalization as well thanks for this testimony :)


throat chakra. read the description of the field it’s the field for that

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Not only people, i can also understand animal, plants energy, etc with this field.

But for me i should use this consistently everyday, if i pause for 1 or 2 days, the ability to understand anything will fade out.


this one is very powerful!

i had this similar experience at the beginning.

now i feel like the effects last until my higher self reminds me to listen to it again.

this is really fun to use with books, shows, and RPG games.


Hello friends , need some advice. To correctly predict a stock/currency go up in value in a market , is this field is most suited one?
(What i mean is to increase our chances of predicting a correct outcome , especially in Forex , stock markets)

Or other fields like Capital Governance, IPF audio are more suited for this purpose ?


Hey Vikkren, ontop of all of those fields i think Imaginarium divine would be great for that as well


Thank you @GoddessesAndGod :muscle: