Conceptual Realizations

yes sir im using mandala higher self Sapien and road opener from PI to help me find the way. Thank u for your suggestion!

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Just bought! Super excited to see how this goes, hopefully I can update soon


Please do!


How’s it coming

I really really love this field.
I feel like i can understand and read people very easily.
The other day i was typing a text to someone and as i was typing it i could already feel how they were going to be feeling as they read it. Super weird lol


this has helped with tying up the loose ends of my overthinking.

my mind being more clear helped remove the pain in my back. i realized that i needed a bit more physical movement and water lately to help my body feel better.

i was inspired by Which field(s) help to understand what the body is attempting to communicate to me? spend some time with this morphic field.


Has anyone tried playing the Conceptual Realizations field while reading the Conceptual Realizations description? :open_mouth::bulb::boom:



What was your experience? (Because your gif can be interpreted in many ways.)

C’mon, share with the rest of the class. :wink:


Something like Plato’s Theory of Forms. (Philo majors please forgive me if I have it wrong. This is what I vaguely remember from Lit Crit.)

Trying to put it simply, let’s say there is CONCEPT of something, and you want to let someone else know. But human language is essentially flawed, and incapable of expressing concepts in a way that is exactly the same for the speaker (or writer) AND the reader/listener. “I do not think it means what you think it means.”

The process of turning thoughts into words is therefore already a dilution or corruption of the “pure thought”.

Wall of Text below

Here’s an example of the journey of your idea:

My thought --> passing through the filters of my personal experience, the vocabulary I have at my disposal, the words I choose as an extension of my personality —> out comes the word I say, floating into your eyes or ears —> however this also passes through your own filters, your “schema”, worldview, it could even be affected by the mood you are currently in, or if you are more perceptive than others --> by the time it reaches your brain, it’s already altered and warped several times over.

That’s why misunderstandings and “lost in translation” happens. Everything outside the mind is murky water for the idea to swim though, an obstacle course. All communication is a game of Telephone/Gossip, and (in the best scenarios) we try our best to fill in the gaps with patience and empathy and assuming good intention. At worst, people get angry, offended, hurt, even though the other person didn’t mean it that way. There’s an error not just in transmission, but interpretation.

Symbols and pictures, music, sometimes get transmitted better, because it’s a few less layers of filters. That’s why art can speak directly to our soul, no words required.

If we could “beam” thoughts directly to each other, the fidelity would be better.

Now with Conceptual Realization, it helps tear down some of those cobwebs in between you and me.

Let’s say we both speak English. But “my English” is so so different from “your English”. We don’t have the same upbringing, education, subculture.

But now, you get a babelfish translation device in your ear loaded with “my English.”

(I’ll get into how this helps you learn life lessons in a minute, or in my next post.)

As an ESL teacher and immigrant, I do this all the time automatically, and I respond to what local speakers mean rather than what they say.

I could write a book on all the examples. Here’s a really silly one.

Co-worker: Do you have a rubber?
Me: Oh, uh, sure. (hands over some rubber bands)
Co-worker: Oh, no, for the pencil?
Me: (confusion. Then) OH you want an ERASER!

So my brain then files this away that when this particular person says that word, they mean this thing.

Person: How was your vacation? You got so black!
Me: (ready to rage about racism and white supremacy, but remembering their word for tanned or brown skin is literally “black”) smiles It was great, I had a great time at the beach, thank you for asking!

Other examples:

Partners who value their lives and are in a long-term relationship, will probably know these sentences mean different or even the opposite of what is actually said:

“I’m fine.”
“Do whatever you want.”
“I’ll be ready in a minute.”

The perilous response would be to take it on a literal level. But a perceptive partner, after years of getting it wrong and finally putting the pieces together, would already know that this really translates to something else.


You also would be careful to use certain words with certain people. And know which words are more likely to persuade them. Because you have a sense of how they think. As someone pointed out up thread, this can be very good for business, because you are “speaking their language”. As Dream said, “Rapport”.

This isn’t an instant skill. It takes some time and interaction to calibrate ourselves. But with the field it’s like having Human Translate in our back pocket.

Probably showing my age here but the concept of “grok”. You know how with good friends, they don’t need to work too hard to explain something. Just a word, or even a look, and you can be “Say no more fam. I totally get it.”

short break to drink Plasma water

The part about learning life lessons to break from cycles, it zooms you out and translates not just words but experiences, so you understand it faster and integrate, which closes the loop. It needs a bit more explanation, I’m a bit tired, I’ll sleep on it and see if I can make sense some other time, if at all. Though I think if you listen to the field yourself, you’ll “get it”.

But so far I hope the above isn’t too confusing.:sweat_smile:

I could also be wrong about this so take this as just one person’s theories.:slight_smile:


Can I hit that Heart button, like, ten more times?

Thank you for sharing your experience!




Wow thanks for explaining, I think this is what I’m looking for for along time. I was hoping dream would make something for communication /get what others mean/ others get what I mean / verbal fluency increase . Although I’m not sure if this does the last two things …
Would you say it also helps with others understanding what you mean as well ?


It think it would, but not by directly influencing other people. The change would be on your part. Because you understand them, you instinctively know “the right words to say”, you know how to adjust yourself to your audience, so that they understand you.:blush:


Yes, this is my understanding as well. As the field works so that you better understand others’ way of thinking and their thought processes, you become more skilled in molding your words so that they are better-matched (and more readily understood) by others.


Oh wow this is awesome !
Would you say this increases verbal fluency ? Sometimes it feels exhausting for me to talk and I’d whish the whole process was flowing easier.


Most sincere thanks for this post. For some innerly obvious reasons, it has brought tears to my eyes.


Actually, you might find yourself saying less. Or that less is needed, to be understood. So less effort, more impact.

I know I’m a terrible example, with my full-length novel up there.:stuck_out_tongue: But I think of the most meaningful conversations I’ve had, they were very quiet. (Coincidentally, like the audio, many of them in cars, parked somewhere away from the noise of crowds.) Sometimes we didn’t need words at all, and the other person understood that. Silence, a listening face, a hug.

But yes, obviously I got very chatty after listening to the field.:joy: If not improve your language fluency exactly (like increased SAT scores, suddenly spitting out essays or poetry), it will definitely improve your communication with other people.:+1:

To clarify: the focus is really to increase comprehension. Which is one half of the communication process. We tend to focus on the speaking aspect, we want to express ourselves well. But an equally important part is really listening, hearing and understanding what the other person is trying to say. :blush:


I need to take a lot for my job , so I’m not gonna get around that part :smile: but talking less sounds nice . Thanks for your explanation . I think I might have to get this !


In addition to @lilo’s reply to you, you might find, as you become more able to understand what words and ideas you want to communicate to the others to whom you’re talking, that talking itself becomes easier for you and, therefore, much less exhausting for you.

Thanks man . They’re both in my stack and they definitely help !