Conceptual Realizations

Has anyone used this audio to help them conceptualize emotions? Currently using this as my training wheels in order to bring up emotions that I would like to collapse with the freedom course and I was wondering if anyone has succeeded in doing that.


While yes you can and it works.

I still prefer Imaginarium Divine for that exact purpose alone or combined with CR

Even higher self one alone too


Thank you. Also what is CC? Too many audios to keep up with abbreviations now :joy:


Conceptual Realizations lol

Typo up there


Ok time to go :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:


would one still need this audio if the Ernest Nuron aready has this field with it?
@SammyG @Captain_Nemo

Hmm, what do you mean?

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Off course not

But you can use it if you really want to :man_shrugging:


This is a valuable tip from Captian

Depending on oneā€™s need, it may still be useful to use the specialized fields. For example, with PoNR, I have eliminated several fields but I still use Ego Dissolution (though it is a part of the many fields included in PoNR).


Been a bit inconsistent with this + ipf but Iā€™ve gotten to the point where Iā€™m so much more aware of peopleā€™s emotions. Itā€™s to the point where I pick it up and Iā€™m like how is no one else noticing this :joy:. Also getting much more insight about my emotions and am getting better at recreating the sensations that come along with them. On the IPF end Iā€™m also having more psychic moments where I know exactly what someoneā€™s going to say, or we just so happen to be thinking of the same thing even if itā€™s completely unrelated to the topic. My goal with this audio is to be able to approach people in their preferred way in order to offer them help because Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that helping is my life path. Looking forward to the future with this audio


A tag or nft for this please (specifically for this function only I mean)


Any requests you have will be best caught in the thread specifically for The Requests and Fields. When your request is buried in a discussion thread, thereā€™s a good possibility that your request will be missed or forgotten.

(And just so you know, the dog tag program has been discontinued. Thereā€™s a pendant program for certain fields right now where Captā€™n in placing fields onto jewelry-style pendants. [You can see examples of what I mean on the I donā€™t know the particulars of that program or if this field can be done like that. But no more dog tags, or at least until a different solution has been found.)


A friendly reminder for everyone to use this field!
One of the most most important creations ever made.
Especially if you want to tap into the concepts of your NFTs.

Also, this alone, can save you a vast amount of incarnations and pain:


@JAAJ I struggle to explain what goes on in my head. You think this might help. I want to use ernest but that is way too hard on the brain. Makes me tried and so on.

you think this might help me with understand and explain concepts?
I have read a bit about the audio and what it does.


Yes, Conceptual Realizations helps with EVERYTHING that you want to understand and conceptualize.

Morphic fields are conceptual and thus to learn to tap into them is extremely aided by Conceptual Realizations.

And then also, all the other super mega benefits of this field, as described above.

Using this field means over time going from ā€œblindā€ to ā€œseeingā€, from ā€œretardedā€ to ā€œgeniusā€ etc.

Stop wasting time.
The sooner you have certain realizations the sooner you will reach your goals.
Not wanting to know the ultimate truth at any cost is a self-sabotage mechanism of the ego.


Looks like barely 30 people have purchased this field yetā€¦


ā€¦which is barely 1% of the amount of people on this forum :tired_face: :sob: :scream_cat: :flushed: :cry: :dizzy_face:

For NFT users, think about it this way:
The field costs ca. the amount of 1 NFT from a community project.
But it will greatly enhance and boost your work with your existing NFTs.

I encourage everyone to make the leap of faith and get this field.
Your ego will rationalize all types of reasons of why you ā€œdonā€™t need itā€ or why ā€œyou cannot afford itā€ etc.
But afterwards you will be thankful that you got it and would have wished that youā€™ve had it earlier in your life, preferably since the day you were born.

So, if you donā€™t need the money to survive, then make this your next investment. Or continue to repeat the same old patterns and lies that your ego and society want you to keep being stuck in.


But doesnā€™t focusing on a certain subject generate thoughts about that. So doesnt that mean I my self and my mind is thinking? and its not my ego taking credit cause I can somone what pick what I can think.

Or is that last statement my ego taking credit? Is that how it works? I dont really know.

:man_shrugging: devil advocate


Imaginarium Divinine does not replace Conceptual Realizations. But they go very well together and supplement each other.

Even better if one can add Higher Self Connection or Higher Self NFT audio to the mix.


I think Iā€™m starting to realize that I need nothing, itā€™s a feeling of contentment and that I need nothing which I want to experience in totality so im going to be more consistent with this field


Thanks, I was sleeping on this audio and just now I truly realized the importance of it