Conceptual Realizations

This helped me a lot recently, talking to people is way easier and it happens a lot that I finish their sentences, but I try not to do it, people tells a lot “yeah that’s what I wanted to say”, “how do you know?”

It helped A LOT, I did an excellent impression on a school interview. The person felt listened, understood, she seemed to enjoy the moment and the discussion. She said, I was saying exactly all she wanted to hear.

I always struggled for reading body language, now it’s really enjoyable to talk to people because I understand them more and show them more interest.

Also people can’t deceive me anymore because of not understand their intentions, it’s the biggest life changing thing for me.


Patiently waiting for @JAAJ ‘s manifestation book to come out


Yes, that would be a take muh money! moment for sure.


I listen to this with Brain Growth Work, only one time a day each. There are a lot of improvements, my processing speed is WAY WAY better than before, ADHD people may lack processing speed, it was my case. Also, a easier time with emotions management

Now, I don’t have “useless” thoughts anymore and go directly straight to the point, I had a selective memory, now it’s very easy to memorize everything, even things that don’t interest me.

Easier time with autism management and social interactions in general, huge improvements on disciplines I had difficulty (no interest). Improvements on logical thinking, got better results on Raven’s progressive Matrices.

Huge improvements on creativity, drawing is funnier and it takes less time. I didn’t play guitar since two months, I played again today on songs I struggled a lot before, and “suddenly” it got easy.

I noticed a better mind-muscle connection, better motricity, extreme improvements on talking, I articulate way better than before too, voice is calmier, I don’t talk too fast anymore.


Fucking Legned :raised_hands:


Amazing testimonials

Top field for sure

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Is this helpful for understanding abstract concepts?



I forgot to provide my testimonial, after hearing for the very first time, I somehow was finding the audios on YT slow, so I made it 1.5x sometimes go 1.75x and 2x. I no longer find the sounds nor visuals funny but I’m getting the information in the speed I want. Every week I listen 2 times max and sometimes I wish there was more than 2x speed.

Anyone else noticed this after using CR?


I don’t think the audio or visuals are supposed to be funny. If you need them to be funny or stimulating, it indicates other issues (adhd/lack of focus) - in particular if you’re speeding up audios just to “get it done” in which case you might as well not listen to them all, because I don’t think they will have much, if any effect with that state of mind to begin with.

Looking for shortcuts due to in need of stimulation and quick result indicates that you might be playing too much videogames/watching porn, (ab)using drugs or just symtoms of ADHD

Meditation is definitely key for this. This issue has nothing to do with Conceptual Realizations, that would be very very odd if it did. Plus, as far as I know, this field is not a “one-listen boom get effect” field, its something you’ll need to listen to for a longer period of time consistently to get the intended effects. Someone correct me if i’m wrong there though.

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Not anyone of those, I have been a fast reader, I read things fast and comprehend quickly but after using CR, my processing of audio seems to have gone up.


I’m fairly sure I’ve read that you’re not supposed to speed up any of Sapiens fields, it can definitely ruin it in various ways.

Regardless how fast you read and comprehend things - I think you’ll be better off result-wise to never speed anything up, and relax. You also should not need to find the videos enjoyable, that is not the purpose. That is partly why I was concerned, that you seemed to have a need for stimulus during the listen of fields because they are too “slow and boring”


Oh you thought I was speeding up fields, no man, I was speeding up normal YT videos, when I have to listen to something or watch something.


Ah, well that changes things!

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I’ve noticed a lot of people here say they use this in their nightly stack. Since I’ve incorporated meditating consistently for most of the last year, my sleeping has cut way back, but I feel really exhausted at the end of the day. Therefore, I listen and play most of my fields early in the morning, as I journal, meditate, and plan my day. I used to listen to CR 2x in the am, but have scaled back to once.

Is there something specific to this field that would make it ideal for night or sleep listening? I’ve also considered looping the silent Subconscious Limits Remover at night, as my guard is down.

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What do you think is causing your exhaustion?

I’m starting my reply to you with this question, because unexplained exhaustion is a good indicator of overdoing it with fields. So, you might want to investigate your exhaustion.

Not especially. Night time, when we sleep, is one of the major times of the day when we consolidate learning. So, that might be a consideration. The fact that it’s one of the longer, “new” fields might be another consideration.

(FWIW, I have this in both my night and my noon stacks. I spread it out over the course of my full day.)


Since I got Psychic Mastery (which includes this as a subfield) I get more and more the impression that once you have fully mastered conceptual realizations you´ll be able to manifest instantly, by just tapping into the frequency/field of the reality you desire :thinking:


But only in the absence of all counter limiting beliefs, counter assumptions and counter core beliefs to what you want manifest.

And then also still, physical time and energy would be other factors in the equation that would still be there.


Agree on those.

That one I am not sure about.

I understand it like that everything we can imagine, already happens now.
If you have everything else in place, including clarity on your dream reality and then focus fully on the concept of it, shouldn´t you be able to shift your physical world (nearly) immediately?


You are right, that was a limiting belief of mine.
I think someone who is “avatar level” can also manifest stuff instantly “out of thin air”.