Conceptual Realizations

I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that you already do this sort of shift: Have you ever “lost” something, where you absolutely cannot find it, even after tearing apart your house–maybe your desk or looking thoroughly through a purse a full 7 (!) times–and then walk out of the room and when you return, you discover your “lost” thing right there!, smack-dab, right in the middle of the place you just tore apart 100 times?

IOW, this shift is something you’re already capable of doing. It’s just that most of us tell a story that prevents us from seeing this ability that we have as something normal and useful to us, you see?


Happened often even in the recent past; does this field help in this too?

I’m sure it did. That’s absolutely normal, for everyone.

I’m not understanding your question, sorry.

Does it also help for problems or needs like the one you wrote?

Ahhh, that’s where the confusion lies. You see, I wasn’t writing that as a problem or need. I was writing that as an illustration of the instant reality shift our friend was asking about.

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Ok, forgive me for misunderstanding

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(OT, but you have really wonderful manners, which I very much appreciate.) And no need for any forgiveness. As long as we can sort it out–and we did!–miscommunication is no big deal. :+1:


Has anyone noticed you begin to appreciate the fields ever since you started listening to this? 4 hours of looping this and subtly understanding the energy of the fields. It’s amazing.


This field is really something. Your understanding of things just goes to a different level, sometimes the realizations can be overwhelming when it all kind of comes in all at once. At times, someone is describing a food they’re eating or an experience they had and it’s like I’m in their shoes doing the thing, tasting the food or seeing the whole scene play out. This really helps simplify everything, but it’s so hard to explain how it actually works when you’re experiencing it. It’s like there’s this thought translator in your mind that makes things more understandable or relatable, but it’s not it’s translating anything. It’s just greater access to the true nature of something, of all things that can be understood or realized. Now I’m starting to understand why Dreamweaver has a hard time writing descriptions of his creations sometimes!

This field can be so subtle that I’m not sure if its working sometimes, but then I’ll get hit with something and instantly I’ve “got it,” and then the train of realization just takes off from the station. This potentially unlocks so many different dimensions for a person if they’re open to exploring new concepts. So subtle but so powerful.



Think of this working towards long term happiness.

  1. You experience a realization on the pattern that has been detrimental towards your path.

  2. Understand that realization no longer serves you

  3. Leaving you more happy and increasing your vibrations.

This should never leave your playlist, you are literally skipping mistakes and reaching the endpoint with your respected lessons.


I have been using this field while doing my daily journaling (alternating with personal supporter) and it has been AMAZING. Big downloads and insights


Conceptual intelligence is the essence of human intelligence: it enables us to represent reality in concepts, to think and understand in concepts, to learn more efficiently and deeply in concepts, and subsequently create the human knowledge enterprise.

  • from Rex Li - A Theory Of Conceptual Intelligence

How to End Reincarnation – the JAAJ’s Ultimate Earth Speedrun Method

The two main reasons why souls incarnate on physical earth are for 1. physical experience and 2. for learning certain lessons and coming to certain realizations.

If you no longer care about #1 (physical experiences) then all you need to do is to fully internalize the connection to the Conceptual Realizations morphic field.

With that field you will be able to learn pretty much all the lessons and come to all the realizations just BY OBSERVATION alone.

So buy the field.
Use it every day.
Make your Subconscious Mind fully internalize and strengthed the connection to this field so that the connection to the field is established just by you thinking about that field (or the field’s music).

Later when you are in the Afterlife, you will still be able to connect to the Conceptual Realizations field just by thinking about it, which means everything you didn’t learn in this incarnation, you will be able to learn on the astral planes just through observation of what is going on there (and of course on physical earth too).

That’s it.

Fastest Physical Earth Game Speedrun ever!

:1st_place_medal: :running_man: :running_woman:



Break the loop or the pattern will repeat tomorrow


Got this today solely on repeated recommendations by @JAAJ on this field. Reading through the forum I know JAAJ’s recommendations are based on actual objective experiences.

The sale is still on … grab your copy if you want


Field description says use it responsibly, once or twice daily… would it be safe to loop ?
Although the music is soothing so it’s easier to loop that way but I am not sure about field itself if we could loop it without any problem

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Sometimes I loop for 1-2 hours per day.

You need to experiment what feels right for you.


Being Open Minded

"Many of us have often heard that having an open mind will allow you to see and experience more of the world.
This is true as being open minded makes you more accepting of things that are different.
But there is more to having an open mind than you might have thought.
A truly open mind, accepting of anything and everything, is ultimately powerful and can bend reality in so many different ways.
It is the true state of freedom. Belief holds the key to an open mind.
But first, what is belief?

Belief is trust, faith or confidence in something being true.
It is the acceptance of a certain reality being the true reality for you.
We also tend to subscribe to personal beliefs such as ‘I believe I am beautiful,’ or
‘I believe most people are selfish and cannot be trusted.’ These beliefs frame your perception of reality.
The article in the link below goes into more details.

In addition to this, I would like to add that changing your response to criticism can have a profound effect on your life.
You can let it bother you and let yourself sink deeper into despair and self depreciation,
or use it as a fuel, to grow, and become better.
Of course there are a lot of situations where you cannot apply this, but the idea is to use some things in a better way.
Do not always be quick to feel offended with everything you hear and see, be calm and rationalize things,
try to use each experience as a lesson in your own personal evolution.

Adopting this approach can propel you very far very fast in life."