Conceptual Realizations

This is where Carl Jung have said
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. Carl Jung

if you read the full article

you will genuily understand Carl jung quote


This quote has been quoted on this thread many times. In case you have read itā€¦ :wink:

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oh i didnā€™t i may wrote the quote earlier i donā€™t know

Man, after being in the seminar and hearing Dream talk about soul. It motivated me even harder to use this more. Once is not enough for me. I been using this on and off, and realized I need to be consistent.

This life is too short, we need to get as many realizations (lessons) we can to move forward.


Just once or twice per day, one in the morning, one at night. The months go by faster than youā€™ll believe!

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In my experience, this is basically ā€œTLDR-fieldā€ :grin:


Woke turd: Life is hard, you must go through hardship and pain to reach those painful realizations or else you can never move on!

Me: so anyways I started blasting conceptual realization.


Finally got pass the mental block or whatever energetic block that was keeping this from completely working on me all this long time.

I must say that this field is ridiculously OP. Everything in the description is exactly what Iā€™ve experienced. Everything I wanna learn I can grasp the general concept of and makes it soooo much easier to learn.

Iā€™m finishing peoples sentences so much to they just look at me crazy. I literally finished my wifeā€™s sentences for nearly 5 minutes straight and she responded with ā€œ you think you know me lolā€ , and a matter of fact I do lol.

I love it. Everything is easier to understand without the hassle of the long winded speeches needing to be dissected and broken down.


What mental block were you going through?

Congrats, this field is OP


I have no idea what it was but it was like a ball of pressure in my frontal lobe. If I meditated on it I could feel the energy shift but it would quickly return if I didnā€™t keep attention on keep the energy from stacking in that area.

After about 3-4 days I felt the tension and the energy leave and my area around the pineal gland felt better and I started sleeping a whole lot better and my fields and brain field increased in effectiveness. @InfiniteWisdom


ā€œTo understand a thing is a bridge and possibility of returning to the path. But to explain a matter is arbitrary and sometimes even murder. Have you counted the murderers among the scholars?ā€

So basically itā€™s like a shroom trip. I havenā€™t taken them, but this is what my friends have told me.

Thatā€™s literally

what I described on the Conceptual Conglomerate thread. I felt nothing from this field for a few weeks then all of a sudden I feel third eye activation.

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Really like what you said here. Itā€™s how I learned it from Richard Roseā€™s Jacobā€™s Ladder diagram below (look for the invisible current). I also really like your term ā€˜zoomed outā€™; itā€™s how I like to find my way back to essence.


If your Higher self is loud, your ego will be quiet.
If your Ego is loud, your higher self will be quiet.


Conceptual Realization has been such a rollercoaster, from experiencing realizations to interpreting the meaning of peopleā€™s true words. You could be saying this, but I know thatā€™s not what you are really saying.

If I give this a loop at night, I experience such wild dreams dating back to women for some reason. Every dream that I have had is with some past women I have met. I donā€™t know what the dreams are trying to convey to me but I just know it because it is subconsciously transmitted to me with no words. Just an inner deep feeling of knowing the realization that I experienced.


So I have been using this field for the past 8 months and in the beginning I didnā€™t notice much from it other than it made my mind calmer and felt more present but as the months passed by I started to realize I can understand people so much better like almost to the point of mind reading lol and I think I freaked out some people around me cause itā€™s like I knew what they were gonna say before they said it for example Iā€™ll be having a random thought about a certain food and a few minutes later someone near me would say the same food I was thinking or iā€™ll finish their sentences and they be like how do you know that haha. This week I have been noticing a lot about myself & my patterns and what I focus on throughout the day and have been having epiphanies that my reality is a reflection of what I have been focusing on a daily basis. Itā€™s kinda scary that the answer to all my problems was within myself and I feel that everything ranging from wealth,power,love,etc is energy that can be tapped into just by tuning to the right frequency. This field plus preceptionist have really be changing my perspective on another level super grateful for these creations.


Iā€™ve realized how enthralled people are by nostalgia. This field helps me understand the aspects of things Iā€™ve never directly experienced, so when I reflect on what someone is telling me, I donā€™t know their personal experience but I have a general sense of what the concept is, which helps with understanding.

When I say that people are enthralled by nostalgia, I mean I can imagine the concept of the time, place, or thing theyā€™re talking about but I can see it from a more neutral point of view, an objective concept and not one clouded by judgments, perceptions and circumstances. Helps see the thing and not be attached to the thing because youā€™re not having a direct personal experience but also not having to buy into the baggage of their perception. In this way, I think this field can help make better choices because there is less cloudedness in seeing and knowing a thing without all the things that may go with that thing. I can also see how this field might make me detached in that way. It is difficult to put into words, but there is a subtle but powerful effect in understanding which I think if youā€™re consistent with this field you begin to notice over time how much your perception of the world changes because you can actually see things for what they are instead of having to imagine based on your perception or take it on someone elseā€™s word.

I donā€™t know if itā€™s me or this field, but lately Iā€™ve been really appreciating the old stuff that was actually good, simplifying things. Things that people arenā€™t nostalgic for because they arenā€™t programmed to be.


Playing these three

ā€¢ Ascenion naut
ā€¢ Ego Dissolution
ā€¢ Conceptual Realization

Has helped me build more empathy for people. I was walking this morning playing ego dissolution to clear my mind away from labels and staying in the present moment. While I was walking, I see a homeless man sitting on side of the park. Now where I live, it is not wise to go near homeless people as they are addicts or mentally ill which can lead to unwanted violence but for some reason, today I just wanted to sit with that man and talk to him. I introduce myself to him and he was wary as in he was thinking I was suspicious. I canā€™t blame him, Iā€™m a weird stranger walking up to him getting comfy instead of giving money and walking pass him.

I asked him if he minded if I sat with him and we just have a conversation. He agreed and this is where Conceptual Realization has kicked in. As I was getting to know him and his broken sentences werenā€™t adding him I completely understood his ā€œconceptā€ as in his backstory. It feels I am there with him, I understand his pain and sorrow. Everything he was saying to me I completely understood he didnā€™t have a good upbringing and he didnā€™t have to tell me that. It is like I got a visit to his past and just understood.

I can also tell he was making some stories up because his true concept wasnā€™t aligned with his words but I didnā€™t judge because that is not for me to judge. One thing I know for sure is accountability is an issue of his. Anyways we parted ways and of course I gave him some money.

Now with Conceptual Realization, I am not saying I know the ā€œtrueā€ backstory of his nor am I the ā€œall-knowingā€, I think this is a taste of looking into the true concept and I also could be wrong in deciphering the concepts.


Main reason why Conceptual Realization or Conceptual Conglomerate (upgraded version) is important.

In the realm of spirituality and reincarnation, the reasoning for incarnation often revolves around the idea of soul growth, learning, and evolution. Hereā€™s a simple explanation:

  1. Soul Growth and Learning: The belief is that each individual soul is on a journey of growth and learning. Through multiple lifetimes, souls have the opportunity to experience a wide range of circumstances, challenges, and relationships. These experiences provide valuable lessons that contribute to the soulā€™s development and understanding.

  2. Expansion of Consciousness: Incarnation allows the soul to expand its consciousness and gain a deeper understanding of the universe and its interconnectedness. Each lifetime offers unique perspectives and insights that contribute to the soulā€™s overall awareness.

  3. Karma and Balance: Some belief systems suggest that souls incarnate to balance their karmaā€”the accumulation of both positive and negative actions from past lives. By facing the consequences of their actions and making amends, souls can achieve a state of balance and move toward spiritual growth.

  4. Evolving towards Higher States: The ultimate goal of incarnation is often seen as spiritual enlightenment or reaching higher states of consciousness. As souls progress through lifetimes, they move closer to this state of transcendence, breaking free from the cycle of birth and rebirth.

  5. Contributing to the Collective: Souls incarnate to contribute to the collective evolution of humanity. Each personā€™s experiences and choices have an impact on the greater whole, influencing the collective consciousness and the overall trajectory of spiritual evolution.

In summary, the concept of incarnation in spirituality suggests that souls choose to be born into physical bodies to learn, grow, and contribute to the ongoing journey of spiritual evolution. Each lifetime offers unique opportunities for self-discovery, transformation, and the realization of higher truths.

Generated by ChapGPT of course.

The sooner we gain insights and realizations, the sooner we reach to the next level. Donā€™t sleep on this, if you havenā€™t been playing this, I recommend to at least add it to your stack or make this a priority. You will become a better person with better insights. So many valuable lessons that each individual will learn.