Emotional Release

Surprised that this audio didn’t have its own thread.

This works to energetically remove the stored negative emotional energy stored throughout your body and heart areas, it also will also help remove the memory of trauma and pain stored in different areas of your body, due abuse/damage etc.

If you guys have had any experiences with this field or have any helpful advice about situations you could use it in, leave it down below.


I’ll start. I use this audio in situations where I have an extreme build up of a certain feeling. Whenever I feel like I have too much anxiety to handle, I play this audio 3x and I feel it melt away every time. In my experience, when used after transmutation audios, this helps a lot with urges


I been using this quite a lot now lol


Back when I started the course audios I had to loop this for hours sometimes.


I use it every morning or when feeling overwhelmed. It eradicates the feeling every time. Doesn’t go too deep in my experience but it’s a good “shower”


used it half an hour yesterday and put it in my night stack, I shouldn’t have slept on it before, great field ! feeling much better


Reminder that this is a great audio to use after you cry. I really let it all out for the first time in years and this is helping me to release in a beneficial and positive way.


Before during and after! :slight_smile:

Happy it’s helping you release good man


Any fields that are used to detox you you must use this after whether emotionally or mentally


I noticed the last few times I played this, I got hives. They go away in like an hour but I thought it was interesting seeing a physical manifestation of releasing stress.


after i listened to this my charisma increased like people liked me Does anyone know why releasing emotions would do this? im curious


I’m guessing you were releasing so-called “negative” emotions (because we seldom want to release our “positive” emotions, amiright? :wink: )

First off, it’s hard to feel comfortable enough to allow our charisma to shine whilst we’re in the grip of “negative” emotions. Negative emotions also act like a shade, dampening the light of your charisma. When you release your negative emotions, these things are released with them. So, you have experiences like you’re telling us.

Hope that helps.


This is a very underrated audio


Amazing field…

“Waves are the voices of tides. Tides are life," murmured Niko. "They bring new food for shore creatures, and take ships out to sea. They are the ocean’s pulse, and our own heartbeat.”
― Tamora Pierce, Sandry’s Book


This is a very underrated multi-purpose field that can help with releasing almost any negative emotion that one is experiencing in the short-term.

Combining this with Depression BeGone and Positive Power Waves will give a quick strong relief in most commonly occurring negative emotional situations.

3x Emotional Release
3x Depression BeGone
3x Positive Power Waves

= :relaxed: :relieved: :blush:

For a stronger release:

2x Point of No Return
2x Grief, Loss, Loneliness
2x Forgiveness And Release
3x Emotional Release
3x Depression BeGone
3x Positive Power Waves


I love this combination/sequence! Great idea, I will remember to try it out one day :) (gotta listen to something else for now lol)


I see you specifically mention short term.

I was drawn to The Crucible of Stored Trauma. But more with the purpose of long-term (physical) healing, as my cells are dysfunctional and/or overreactive, after a traumatic experience. The descriptions, especially
“it also will also help remove the memory of trauma and pain stored in different areas of your body”
sound quite similar to me, does anyone have experience in how they differ?
Is the Crucible much deeper and effective?

In my experience yes.

In my experience “Emotional Release” did not helped me to heal deep trauma.

Maybe others have a different experience?

All subjective and you should try out.

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If you (@Mundane) are interested, there’s a Trauma Release in this series you could try.

Are the effects permanent to this one?