đź’“ E-Intelligence Technology (Private)

It’s pretty amazing to see how far we’ve come… (I know the project is more than just these two fields but still haha)

I remember when these 2 fields came out, how much of a huge deal it was for every one, it was truly a major advancement for the forum collective. Very impactful where those fields in my life and earlier on development in my spiritual journey. It helped with the “rebecoming” phase of my journey, finding my self after having lost myself.

I can only imagine…

The Dawn of NFTs marked a new age for the forum collective for sure, however, let’s not forget the classics that built the foundation for us so strong …

When projects have such strong foundational concepts like these, you already know it’s a home run.

Hell ya lol


Really beautiful project. Well done.


I’m shocked myself :laughing:


This is quickly exposing all my coping mechanisms (especially those that I’ve considered permanent character traits). Everything that was suppressed in the subconscious is resurfacing now (along with some old physical symptoms) gently insisting I find a better way to deal with it. The process is not always pleasant though it’s necessary.

It’s hard and exciting at the same time. We can’t change what we don’t see. Well, this is definitely sharpening the “sight”. I am looking forward to seeing what else is going to unfold in the future.

Definitely an excellent field for integrating all our parts into a complete personality. Acknowledging the good and the bad, allowing them both to exist at the same time. Once this process is completed, personal power spontaneously increases.

Our thoughts, words, and actions become the same.

A simple “Thank you!” to those who enabled this doesn’t seem to be enough :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I have always been a HIGHLY emotional individual. And even with the best of intentions, they have gotten the better of me many, many times.

Yesterday, I had a misunderstanding with a friend of the forum. And in the past, chances are likely that I would have either attacked, found blame in the individual, or even ended the friendship. I really wanted to go on the offensive, but instead took some time to reflect on the situation. This interaction consumed my thoughts for the entirety of the day but eventually, with the guidance of this masterwork, I was able to identify and tame my dragons :grinning:

Peace is the prize and it feels very reachable with E-Intelligence Tech :heart_eyes:

@Ugninis your passion shines in each and every Picasso :paintbrush: :art:
Thank you for the GIFT of another life-changing creation :heartbeat:

Dreamweaver, none of this is possible without you!!! Thank you bro :heart:
You truly are a life-saver :mechanical_arm:


I will add to this thread, as it is also related to the topic and may be an option for many :slight_smile:

discussions here

[ discussion here :) ]

Discussions here :)

discussions here :)


I got this field a week back. At that time, my work place was really stressful with multiple issues cropping up at the same time. I started playing the audio immediately after download on low volume & didn’t feel anything much. I kept working on the issues, resolved squabbles, shouted down a person(totally not me) who was being really nasty to a female colleague, attended meetings and when I got that silent moment to think, I see that am not stressed anymore. I could handle all this mess & more if needed! Magical indeed!
All of this week has been a mad time at office & personally, because of my sister’s health worries. While I am working on making things better, inside of me, I am just in that silent cocoon.
Thank you Ugnis and Captain :pray:


This is such a beautiful NFT. It is complex, vast, and works on so many different levels. Combined with Project Mental Health and a few others, this has helped me so much these last couple of months.

Full of gratitude to @Ugninis for creating this project and of course, Dream for making it a reality. This would not be possible without him. We live in privileged times. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


So true and ive been sleeping on it to often ised it yesterday before sleeping and had the best day in the last 2 weeks emotionally today.
This will be a daily from now on promise to myself!


This project is not only about stabilizing the emotional level
its capabilities are much higher
this is your learning, and all social interactions, new principles of behavior, and a look through the heart.

:laughing: :+1: the main thing is not to stretch the playlist indefinitely


This is priceless.

A kind and gentle, life-changing creation.

Thank you for the tip. I was listening 2 times a day, but decided to try looping and was pleasantly surprised.

I’m beginning to realize this. I guess not too many people get a chance to experience the world as a completely different person, during their lifetime. Also priceless.


I’ll point once again to this accessible article

(the first time I did this was in the psy mastery project)
It’s a great springboard for learning about this topic :grin:

to understand ourselves, and to explore these energies, we also need to learn

learn how to use these tools

and in the end - it’s very interesting :slightly_smiling_face:

like everything we get on this forum
don’t forget Leela :grin:

I haven’t played this game in the physical world but it’s amazing


Thanks for the reminder. Rereading articles…

Quote: “The goal is to have a highly developed emotional pathway system that allows for the full spectrum of emotions but with a high degree of control.”

This is the key, instead of supressing them, until they reappear as diseases.



and it also opens the mind :grin:


This field has been such a gift. I’ve been able to fully express myself with others without holding back and without fear. It’s been so freeing. Thank you again! :gift_heart:


find out for yourself what “rapport and and personal congruence” (it’s an NLP term) is
(and how it is created according to their recommendations)
With this NFT, everything becomes very easy :grin:


Yes, very important. A key principle that was also added to Career Mentor and Pure Influence. Having this and congruence in Emotional Tech NFT is like having it triple-focused. :handshake: :muscle:

Some additional context given by chatgpt AI

In the context of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), rapport and personal congruence are important concepts for building effective communication and positive relationships.

NLP is a methodology that focuses on the connection between language, behavior, and the mind. It provides tools and techniques for improving communication, influencing others, and achieving personal goals.

One of the key principles of NLP is the importance of building rapport with others. By establishing rapport, we can create a positive connection with others, which makes it easier to communicate effectively, understand their perspective, and influence them positively. NLP techniques such as mirroring, matching, and pacing are often used to establish rapport quickly and effectively.

Personal congruence is also an important concept in NLP. When we are congruent, we are able to communicate effectively and authentically, which helps to build trust and rapport with others. NLP techniques such as self-awareness, anchoring, and reframing can help individuals to become more congruent, by aligning their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Overall, both rapport and personal congruence are important concepts in NLP, as they are essential for building positive relationships and effective communication.


Let’s make it a little easier to understand (for practical understanding) :laughing:

The best communication masters establish rapport by adjusting to non-verbal behavior, commonly referred to as adjusting, reflecting or joining (so there are more opportunities to see things from the same perspective, to tune in and feel in sync, to elicit positive feelings from the other person, etc.).

“tuning in” to the voice, emotions, and behavior of the person you’re talking to
“to be on the common wavelength”

Congruence means that all parts of your personality are in perfect harmony with what you are doing at the moment.

In other systems, it is called slightly differently, but the essence does not change

and all this can be learned on your own, even without having this NFT. One can use the fields available and given above (to increase efficiency). And for training, or a clearer understanding, it is possible to use a good video course with examples and additional recommendations.

(I think that such things are a little more difficult to learn from books - you need a visual representation, modeling situations)

The main thing is to choose a good and high-quality course, practice, and understanding the meaning for oneself. This will have a positive effect on all social interactions :grin:


This field is insane lol, I think I had to clear up my energy body to get the real results I was looking for. I usually have a very vengeful personality (false part of me) this seems to help a ton. I met someone who I did a business deal with that didn’t end on good terms, maybe it was coincidence or maybe it was this field, or maybe it took him time to see what I was saying was true but he genuinely changed and we were very cool with each other usually I get these weird relationships with people if things go south for whatever reason.

I feel like im very in tune with everyone out in public. Usually my RAS or whatever only picks up with certain individuals, and while I might still be more drawn to some people more than others, I definitely on some level feel more connected to everyone


it’s people reaching out (starting to reach out) to you :yum: