Conciousness Copier

Wanted to have a conversation with fellow peoples who have the CC field from sapien, even though its sale is stopped , still we can talk about that field right ?..


What is this field? Where is it?

I never heard of it :(

Gone long ago…

damnn :/

Could you explain what it is about? I got curious

I don’t know the field, I know it existed a while ago. Here is a link to a forum that says about dream’s work

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Then listen…
Long ago , there was this creator name dream weaver and one of his master / teacher created a field called conciousness copier… its price was about $1500 but this nothing compared to the power it possessed… it could copy the conciousness of any person in the universe , alive or dead…
Meaning its like a brain transplant, you could think , talk and behave like that person whose conciousness you copied…

for example , if you copied newtons conciousness your iq level and thinking capacity would match the newtons level …

Its like a rebirth of the same person…


Heavens, this is very impressive, does it also work with fictional characters?



@SL01 Do you have that?

haaaaaa , nice joke …

if i would have that ,

leave it ,

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Seems very, very OP

yeah yeah , thats why its not only deleted , but also deactivated , meaning even if someone has it

its now not useable , totally useless

Wait what? How can it be deactivated?

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let me explain …

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Sounding like an anime character :stuck_out_tongue:

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Every field has a power source that it draws power from
They just need to deactivate it
And then no one will be able to use it
Like mobile towers


life is more animac than animes

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I would definitely imitate fugil arcadia, he is a legend.

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