Confidence/Self-Esteem/Dominance Sigil + Lion - A Warning

Well for me personally I get really lost in my work outs so I get carried away in my sets, and I’m always giving my maximum effort and it’s In these times I find myself damn near roaring haha


INCREDIBLE!!! Seriously? but there is an involuntary roar? I mean, do you feel that “the lion” roars when you train? Are there other situations too?

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Well I just feel like a beast/freak of nature when I’m giving every thing I got and I just involuntarily roar lol I can’t tell you whether it’s the lion or not, I’m just now evaluating myself and I’ve noticed I’ve been screaming more in a roaring manner as the weeks progress… maybe it’s the glory tag making me work harder and I’m screaming more as a result of it? I’m leaning towards thinking the lion mandala is just assimilating more and more though

And nah man, I’m very collected so there isn’t any other times other than in The gym where I’m unleashing this primal energy

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I understand my brother, I received my lion label 3 days ago, the results are not so noticeable “outwardly” however that is not what worries me, actually I feel a very special confidence energy, I really love this feeling, I can feel that Those feelings and thoughts that sometimes went through my head as “negative” stopped “in their tracks” and in fact one of those thoughts crossed my mind for 2 seconds and I was aware of it and I eliminated it completely, hehe I would also like to tell you that I have noticed that sometimes I have clenched my teeth with more force hehe something funny in my experience hehe.
I am grateful for having this label with me my brother!


Ahh, I hear the dog tag is more subtle than the mandala, I’ve been carrying the mandala for like 3 months now (maybe more, I always lose track of time lol) along with st Michael, some times I’d switch lion up with thor but not any more as his mandala got destroyed

I wonder what the lion mandala would be like for me if I didn’t listen to any fields or wore any dog tags or mandalas lol if I feel what I feel now, I can only imagine what it would be like by itself haha I’m just a concoction of fields of mutual purposes bro

I’m happy you’re getting results already man, they will only get better with time! And im grateful too man, gracias al capitan!


Excellent my brother, I received glory too, three days ago, although I have not decided to use it, until I experience some situations with the Lion, I would like it to increase my self-esteem subconsciously, I don’t know how long that may take, but there is always time to wait How have you been with the Gloria my brother label, could you please share an experience? How do you feel about her? You are appreciated my dear brother!


Oh man Gloria?.. It was love at first sight… Gloria has changed my life for the better and every day she makes me a greater man…

As they say, behind every great man is an even greater women! lol

I’ve been loving glory! Haha I stopped wearing my IPF tag except for when I sleep (I have it under my covers) And I’ve been rocking glory 24/7 for 17 days since I first got it

I was thinking about writing a testimony 3 days in because of how shocked I was at just how fast I was changing but then I decided to wait to see how much more I can change and I’m still waiting cuz I’m still changing lol I love it

But for now all I will say is this, I’ve never been so focused in my lite and I can’t get my goals out of my head, I keep imagining accomplishing goals obsessively! And I’m driven to do exactly what I have to do and I’ve never been more sure of my future in my life lol

I will say this, don’t start wearing it unless you’re a 100% sure of what it is you want to do, because this tag will transform you’re lifestyle slowly into alignment with the life you wish to manifest rather forcefully! You are appreciated too my brother!


And I would add, that “Next to a great man there is also a great answer” you know something? I just read your answer and your words convey a very powerful energy, I am really impressed with the way you express yourself of glory, your words feel powerful.

I am going to take into account your words regarding the goals, I definitely have some goals to meet, I want to outline them better, because I know that when I start I will be unstoppable !!!

So I understand that it drives you with great force and aligns you with what you want to achieve, what a wonderful job the captain does, right?

Thank you very much for sharing that incredible experience my brother, I am at your service! As an Argentine girl I met would say “SOS GRANDE”


Haha thank you for the kind words my friend!

Yes! There’s a reason the universe led you to the captain, at least that’s what I’m starting to believe lol

I have a strong sense that you will do exactly what you say! Create your empire my brother, and never look back!

Yes our captain has changed my life In ways I would’ve never perceived to have been possible !

Haha thank you GianLee! Sos grande también!


Your words are much kinder my brother!

Definitely yes my brother, captain has changed my life in the same way, yes my brother, we are here for a very special purpose, how blessed we are.

Thank you my brother, I will keep these words in a very special place in my heart, I appreciate them with my soul.

A heartfelt hug my dear brother, I sincerely feel very proud and very happy to meet you! The Big @GoddessesAndGod!!! :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:


Aw man It truly is an honor to meet some one like you Gian Lee, it’s always a pleasure talking to you! Thank you! :smile:


man you both sound like you are about to go to war :joy:


Farewell my brothers,

May the growl be with you.


jajajajajajajaja You are so funny!!! Yeah ypu are right! :smile: :smile: :smile:


Haha man now that you say that when I read back I can’t stop laughing :rofl:


jajajajaja It is a Brother´s love! :smile: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:


My brother, we will not go to war :smile: :smile: :smile: hahahaha, but if I want to ask you a question did you try the glaour de gloria effect? related to your image? tanto de manera personal como en una fotografía por ejemplo?

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You mean the “Vacuum”?
That’s Frank Zane, the bodybuilder :slight_smile:

I’m sure Mr Biceps accidentaly looped stomach shrinking and woke up like that eh? @GoddessesAndGod


Ill make him an egregore if I am advanced enough ahahahahha,
the god of body building man


