(Consciousness, Metaphysical, self, Epistemic) Questions

Hello, I wanted to start this thread to help myself and others here who want to learn from others who have more experiences in life and wisdom who would like to share some answers to the following questions (more to be added, also welcome other questions you might have)

Take a shot at one or two or how many you desire :slightly_smiling_face:!

Metaphysical: About reality

  1. How come existence exists at all?
  2. What is existence?
  3. How is existence related to non-existance?
  4. Why is reality structured as it is?
  5. Are there other possible ways reality can be ordered other than our own?
  6. Why are the laws of physics the way they are?
  7. Which comes first: consciousness or matter? Does consciousness come out of matter of does matter occur within consciousness?
  8. What is matter, energy, space, time?
  9. What is outside the universe? Is it infinite or finite? Why?
  10. What existed before the big bang?
  11. How does the material interact with the immaterial?
  12. What governs whatā€™s possible and impossible in the universe? What sets limits on the universe?
  13. What governs emergent propreties (eg atoms, molecules)?
  14. How can emergent propreties arise out of nowhere?
  15. What makes a thing a thing? What is an object (a single thing, multiple things)?
  16. Does reality have a bottom most scale? Eg lower than atoms, and lower than than. Does reality have a top most scale eg higher than planets, universes etc. Are there limits or do the levels go infinitely up and down
  17. Does the evolution of the universe have a purpose? If so, where does it lead to?
  18. Does external reality exist at all?
  19. What is God? What would the concept of God entail?
  20. What are thoughts?
  21. How did life start? Aka Where did it all come from?

Epistemic: The study of knowledge

  1. How do we know what we know?
  2. How can I know anything for certain?
  3. What makes justifications valid?
  4. Why do billions of people believe in God?
  5. Why do people disagree about good and bad, right and wrong, moral and immoral?
  6. How come intelligent people delude themselves? Eg scientists who are creationists. How can I be sure that Iā€™m not deluded?
  7. How do I know that Iā€™m not indoctrinated aka brainwashed into believing things without thinking about them myself.
  8. What is science? Is it the best way of arriving at knowledge?
  9. What are the limits of science? Are there things that science canā€™t understand/explain?
  10. What is mathematics? What makes it valid?
  11. What are the limits of mathematics? Is it displayed by reality or projected by the human mind?
  12. What is rationality? How does it work and why is it valid? Limitless? Displayed by reality or projected by the human mind`
  13. Which is more valid, the senses, rationality, or intuition?
  14. What are the biases/blind spots of humanity as a whole?
  15. How do animals understand reality?
  16. Are there creatures with higher intelligence than humans? If so, how can we be certain of our knowledge?
  17. Why is human knowledge taken as the ultimate truth?
  18. What is truth? Is is objective or subjective
  19. Where does understanding come from? How can we rely upon it?
  20. What is the ultimate truth?
  21. What is the best way to acquire knowledge?
  22. Is reality understandable? Can humans understand it all or not because we are limited

Self: You as an individual

  1. How can I be sure that I exist at all?
  2. If I exist, what am I? Biological? How do I know?
  3. How did I, aka the indentity of me, come into being?
  4. What justifies indentifying with the body or the mind? If the body is yours and the mind is too, who owns these things
  5. If I am the body and the mind, what is everything else. Where do ā€˜Iā€™ stop and the rest of the world begin?
  6. What is in control of my thoughts?
  7. What is my role in reality? My purpose?
  8. How should I live my life to maximise happiness?

Consciousness: The mind and all mental fabrications

  1. What is consciousness?
  2. How is perception possible?
  3. What unifies our senses into a seamless experience?
  4. What if there are higher levels of consciousness? What would that mean for our understanding of the world?
  5. What about the different levels of consciousness eg on psychedelics, meditation. What do they mean? Are they better/worse/more or less real than ordinary consciousness?
  6. Are consciousnesses separate or is consciousness one thing?
  7. Can artificial consciousness be created
  8. Can consciousness be split or joined?
  9. Could inanimate matter be conscious?
  10. Is consciousness only accessible to higher level beings or is it everywhere in the world?
  11. What are the laws governing qualia (qualities of the senses)?

TROLLS STAY AWAY :upside_down_face:


very interesting questions!

iā€™ll probably come back to answer them, but i did enjoy the fact that reading these questions instantly brought thoughts that ā€˜answeredā€™ them which are filtered through my perspective.


EXACTLY my experience at a glance.


I like the grouping of the questions and the depth of questions asked, if u donā€™t mind may I ask how u got them or if you have collected them from other sources ?

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I got them from this video:

I HIGHLY recommend others to watch his videos.




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Lol. Wait, the emoticon says disappointed_relieved

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Fake news, itā€™s disappointed. (LMAO seems like Iā€™m a bit out of touch with emoji definitions).

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I never would have guessed either by looking at the little guy until I hovered over him. #passiveaggressiveemoticon just kidding. ā€œIf I claimed to be a wise man it surely means that I donā€™t knowā€ -Kansas

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Not to bump this thread BUT would like to get feedback from others who would try asking these questions with the new plasma beach field and or Torsion field.

Not gonna lie to you @Zen.

You had a opportunity to answer all those questions for yourself by yourself by getting Satoriā€¦ :man_shrugging:

Now you get a thousand different opinions that never satisfyā€¦


Sorry to disappoint :sneezing_face::grimacing:, I didnā€™t want to waste Angelā€™s time if I wasnā€™t giving it my 100%. Iā€™ll be doing the practices and follow up with him later and if he wants to help out cool if not, Iā€™m just as grateful for the opportunity.


I had to delete my answer because I was iffy to share it to begin with. I felt I might be muddying the waters because we all have our lessons and wisdom weā€™ve picked up in our lives, and all of them just as valuable. I agree with you and OM. I like questions like these, and some of them are so profound, just asking them to ourselves could be a step towards evolving as a human being, even just a little. I appreciate you sharing these questions with us. Thank you.


I just had this thought passing through my head, that consciousness gets individualized, then grouped into hive type consciousness, then it gets individualized again, and so forth,ā€¦, going between cycles of hive and individual consciousness.

Letā€™s say that a hive type consciousness (which doesnā€™t have an ā€œIā€) wants to expand, to create or adapt new paradigms; what does it do? It splits into many individuals, it evolves individual consciousness, either only individual or a mixture, retaining somehow the hive hyperconsconsciousness; also, once it starts to go from hive to fully formed individual consciousness, it needs time or multiple incarnations, maybe multiple ages and multiple vessels (different species), in order to refine its consciousnessā€¦

Some animals might actually be the result of hive type species/consciousness, trying to establish/reach individual consciousness.

Again, it might all go in circles, from individual to hive type, to individual againā€¦