Convert white fat cells to brown fat

Thanks to SM and DW for all the wonderful audios.
My health has improved since i started using it

Does any existing audio convert white to brown fat cells? This is a sure weight loss method as our body will only burn brown fat.
The bot belly is made of white fat cells .
Any supporters for this request?


Fat Burning Genetic Advantage – The programming (morpic and energetic) on this field will work towards inactivating the IRX3 and IRX5 genes, these genes basically tell to body to store energy as fat, and does so effectively.
By inactivating these two, the fat cells become energy burners and do not store the energy (as fat). So in effect, it will make your existing fat cells more like brown or biege fat cells, instead of white fat cells.

This is from the weight loss combo audio


Are the effects from that audio instant or it takes some time to build up?

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That’s strange the first few days of listening have me instant results but then they stopped coming completely and my weight returned to normal.

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