Below is taken directly from alchemical information about the Copper Oil of Venus.
This being the refined presentation of it as an energetic audio, these were what was claimed in the past,
which may usually be a measure of truth and exaggeration combined, or maybe not.
2 - 3 times per usage
(Alchemical Description)
To the world of antiquity, Venus/Copper stood as a personification of the divine feminine. Venus/Copper was the planet/element that represented aspects of feminine beauty, love, lust, artistic creativity, affection, fertility, and balanced thinking. To the alchemist of the ancient world, Venus/Copper was connected with the kidneys and thyroid. The early alchemist used an elixir called the oil of copper to heal blood pressure abnormalities, low energy, kidney problems, and thyroid abnormalities.
Venus/Copper is an essential mineral needed for a healthy body and mind. Copper is an important component in several enzymes involved in energy production, metabolism, neuropeptide activation, pigmentation, connective tissue synthesis, neurotransmitter synthesis, the immune system, and gene expression. In women there is a higher level of copper serum than in men, which shows that the element has close ties to gender. Copper is also crucial when it comes to the development of the fetus in the womb. A healthy infant has up to four times the concentration of copper when born compared to a fully grown human.
Venus/Copper is used in magic rituals and spells as well. In magic, Venus/Copper is used to promote love, sensuality, friendship, positive relationships, fruitful negations, and peace.
The original symbol for Venus/Copper comes from the Egyptian symbol of the Ankh. The Ankh is an ancient symbol representing the life force of the universe. The circle on top of the cross stands for the triumph of spirit over matter. The symbol for Venus/Copper to this day is still used as a symbol of the feminine and can be found on bathrooms all across the world.