Cosmic Triforce X

The Triforce is a sacred and powerful relic that appears several times throughout The Legend of Zelda series.

When the three Golden Goddesses, Din, Nayru and Farore, finished their task of creating the world they left behind a symbol of their power known as the Triforce, which served as the foundation of the world itself. Before departing for the heavens, the three goddesses tasked Hylia with protecting the Triforce from those who may misuse it’s power. Throughout history many wars have broken out over the golden power, many being able to resist the allure of having their greatest desires granted to them, and eventually it was sealed away at the center of the Sacred Realm by the ancient sage Rauru to prevent further bloodshed.

The Triforce can grant the wish of whoever touches it, molding it’s resting place, the Sacred Realm, to reflect that person’s heart in the process once they lay their hands upon it. The Triforce does not discriminate between good or evil, only judging those who desire to harness its power by the balance of power, wisdom, and courage within their heart. If they lack a perfect balance of those three virtues, then the Triforce will split into three separate parts, and the piece that best personifies the one who first touched the Triforce will be the only piece to remain within them, whilst the other two will take residence in whosoever most personifies them. Reassembly is then required for such a person’s wish to be granted, but does not exclude another from making the attempt.

. The core idea here is about creating a legends of zelda inspired NFT in the form of an energetic servitor/symbiotic like armor that surrounds the body embodying the full abilities and powers of the complete tri force with the help if the 3 golden goddesses or equivalent and all the gods/goddesses,immortals, and angels that we are connected to through our genetic heritage.

The Triforce of Courage contains the divine essence of Farore, the Goddess of Courage, (also known as Faron) who is renowned for creating all life that inhabits the Hyrulean realm. It is usually associated specifically with Link. The Triforce of Courage is typically portrayed as the bottom-right piece of the Triforce.

It is unclear what specific benefits the Triforce of Courage affords its user, but the holder of the Triforce of Courage is imbued with Farore’s essence, and afforded attributes analogous to those of the Goddess of Courage herself. Link seems to have an affinity for Farore’s color, green. In past Zelda games, Link has been called “The Green Fairy,” which is a metaphor of Farore.

The Triforce of Courage also seems to afford its wielder an unknown degree of protection from certain forms of magic, and transformation. In Twilight Princess, when Link entered the Twilight-afflicted regions of Hyrule, the Triforce of Courage prevented him from becoming a lost soul like the other denizens of Hyrule, and instead transformed him into a divine wolf. Interestingly, although the Triforce is seen in Twilight Princess, it is never explicitly mentioned by name.

The Triforce of Courage first appeared in The Adventure of Link, sealed within the Great Palace, and is required in the game by Link to awaken the sleeping Zelda. In Ocarina of Time, Link unknowingly obtains the Triforce of Courage while trapped in the sacred realm, after Ganondorf fails to claim the complete Triforce, splitting it into its three components. In Twilight Princess, it is implicitly indicated that Link carried the Triforce of Courage throughout his entire life, as he bears the crest on his hand at all times. The Triforce of Courage can be seen on a small banner above the entrance of Link’s home in Ordon Village.

In the cinematic introduction of The Wind Waker, it is stated that when the Hero left Hyrule the Triforce of Courage was broken into eight pieces and scattered across the land, to be recovered one day by another hero deserving of its power. After restoring the power of the Master Sword in The Wind Waker, Link locates and hauls up all eight shards of the Triforce of Courage from the sea. After he acquires all eight pieces and prepares to face Ganon, the reassembled Triforce of Courage absorbs into his hand. He is then declared the Hero of Winds.
The Triforce of Wisdom holds the essence of Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom, who is recognized for creating the physical laws of the realm of Hyrule. It is usually associated with Princess Zelda, and in most games, she possesses it. When activated, the lower left triangle in the Triforce mark on Zelda’s hand glows, representing the Triforce of Wisdom. The bottom-left piece of the Triforce typically portrays the Triforce of Wisdom.

Though Zelda is known to possess innate mystical powers, the essence of Nayru, wielded by Zelda using the Triforce of Wisdom, enhances these abilities. In various incarnations, Zelda has demonstrated telepathy, precognition, and mystic energy projection, among other abilities.

Seemingly by means of the Triforce’s power, Zelda demonstrated shapeshifting abilities in Ocarina of Time. To hide herself from Ganondorf, Zelda assumes the guise of a young Sheikah man who calls himself Sheik, the last remaining Sheikah other than Impa. In Twilight Princess, Zelda used the power of the Triforce of Wisdom to detect the dark magic trapping Link in his wolf form, and it may have granted her the power to remain in her true form in the Twilight. The Triforce of Wisdom may have been used to save Midna’s life and transfer Zelda’s light or soul into Midna to give her the ability to survive the light of Hyrule. Zelda, after being revived, states to Midna, “Our souls were one, however briefly.” It is unknown whether or not Midna receives the Triforce for a short time, because after putting back Zelda’s “soul”, she survives in the light just fine.

In The Wind Waker, Tetra the pirate carries a necklace made from most of the Triforce of Wisdom; the King of Hyrule carries the other part of it. When the two pieces are reunited, Tetra’s true identity is revealed to be Zelda.

The triforce of power This Triforce embodies the essence of Din, the Goddess of Power, who is the shaper of the realm in which Hyrule exists. Her divine essence grants the holder of the Triforce of Power an unlimited amount of mystical power. The Triforce of Power is usually associated specifically with Ganon, who uses its vast power to his own evil ends. The top triangle in the Triforce represents the Triforce of Power.

It appears in The Legend of Zelda, but the only back-story given was that Ganon gained it by thievery. Link acquires it after defeating Ganon inside Death Mountain.

When assembled, the Triforce allows the owner to make and be granted as many wishes as they want, which usually last until they die or the wish is fulfilled. It will remain with the user until they send it away or have it taken from them, as explained in A Link to the Past. As shown in A Link to the Past, there are certain items, such as the Moon Pearl, which can resist the effects of the Triforce; in that game, the Moon Pearl prevents Link from being transformed into a rabbit while in the Sacred Realm. In A Link to the Past, Ganon has obtained the completed Triforce, and has wished upon it to rule Hyrule. However, his imbalanced heart changes the wish, and instead of Hyrule he rules a Sacred Realm which has become a dark version of Hyrule, where, among other things, all inhabitants are beasts. At the end of the game, Link defeats Ganon and takes the Triforce from its resting place. The spirit of the Triforce explains its powers, and Link then wishes for the acts of Ganon to be reversed (such as the corruption of the Sacred Realm and the death of Link’s uncle).

The creation of The Smart triforce servitor/symbiotic suit-like armor that surrounds the wearer that is made of golden energy and the energies of the 3 golden goddesses with the help of intercession as well as divine/angelic energy from any willing beneficial god,goddess, angel, and immortal and good beneficial entity that we are connected to through our genetic ancestry as well as the nfts that we own by use of intercession and nft smart linking thus will be personalized for each individual.
So it Can connect to the the zelda golden goddesses who made the triforce if possible and request to help form and program to best suit each wearer of the armor.The armor will scan your dna and genetic heritage and through intercession will call upon the gods and goddess of your ancestors asking for their blessings and help with the programing and abilities of the armor and protection . who knows maybe a past benevolent deity that the world forgot might help add new unknown abilities and powers to the triforce armor.
The armor will also call upon any angels known and unknown to assist the wearer and infuse the armor with their blessing and energy if willing thus maybe even adding to its programing. Who knows this could turn out to be a angelic armor anything is possible.
This armor has the ability to be personalized and fields and programming added to it by all beneficial beings connected to it willing to help. Thus it is in a constant state of evolution like when the bronze knights in saint seiya get some of athena blood on their bronze cloths they change and evolve into god cloths. So can the triforce armor constantly evolve with new divine energies and divine blessings.

Certain abilities the armor hopefully will have if possible

-Can store an unlimited number of divine/mythical artifacts/tools and energies that any god,goddess,immortal and angel wishes to place in your armor to help you.

-Can actively and passively scan the owners cell phone,and computer for morphic fields,frequencies that you own to improve its ability to heal ,shield, and protect.

-Can scan the meridian system, the main 12 meridians and the divergent meridians, Prana channels and nadis and repair and expand all energy channels for increased energy and perfect health and strength and power .

-The powers of the master sword that strikes down all evil that may try to harm you.

-The armor will stay with you in your dreams and protect you and guide you.

-The armor will stay with you as you astral travel if you’re into that kind of thing.

-It will cleanse, heal and repair your astral body and light body at the same time upgrading them with divine energies to godly level.

-Will enhance one’s psychic abilities to see and hear all servitors, angels, and deities one is connected to with help from the golden goddesses and all other deities and servitors one is connected to.

-Connecting us to the golden light and white light to keep us pure and healthy.

-Is capable of learning and acquiring unlimited new abilities and powers from beneficial angels, gods ,goddesses, immortals and servitors we are connected to.

-Repels negativity

-The mirror shield in the game reflects magical attacks so the armor will reflect black magic and shield from energy vampires and psychic attacks.

-remove and dissolve all limiting beliefs

smart linking abilities
A NFT smart link connecting to all NFTs The owner possesses this includes healing, courage, love, deity and angelic Nfts and well as servitor NFTs ,brain oriented nfts (wisdom) and power NFTs that generate or have a energetic effects on the body and astrology NFt, physical enhancement( fitness, workout, and chi cultivation nfts) NFTs and can channel all your NFTs thru the armor and super charge those fields. And work with them in a symbiotic way to turn you into a divine perfect hero . also when playing this NFTs audio you can tell this NFT to connect to a certain group of NFTs or Connect to everything basically it’s a time saver for those of us with lots to listen to.
The NFT smart link will also connect to any DIETY and angelic NFTs one owns asking for help in the blessings and programming of the owners Triforce armor.

clearing abilities
The armor has the golden glow field built in but also channels the divine energies of the Triforce through your every cell in your body removing and breaking up subconscious and mental blockages, seals and negative implants, and clear any miasms in the body and help dissolve and remove all negative traumas and energetic blockages.
The armor will consistently and passively transmute any internal and external negativity and negative energy into love and positivity.

Auric field expansion and charging
This field will passively and actively repair any leaks and tears in the aura and strengthen, charge and expand one’s auric field to up to 10-50 feet and by request one can just say expand auric field to 20 or expand auric field to 50 max while playing the audio but by default its at 10 feet to protect, warn and shield against evil.

Also please add ego dissolution to this as well

Will work to balance the three attributes and powers of the triforce in your body and energy field those attributes are courage, wisdom, and power with the use of Alchemical revision of the Triforce . we have always had the triforce since the day we were born balancing the energies of courage,wisdom,power within our energy field and body and helping us manifest with the power of the triforce only the good things(love,money, happiness,bliss,peace,family,perfect health etc.)

Will contain all the powers and abilities of the Triforce of Courage

Blesses the user with the chosen power of the gods

grants Healing (Healed Link before his battle with Ganondorf[2])

Resistance to Soul Manipulation (Triforce pieces protect their user from Zants twilight veil[3], which turns all caught within it to become spirits[4])

Resistance to Unholy Manipulation & Corruption (Triforce pieces prevent their user from being corrupted and turned into a demon[3])

Will contain all the abilities and powers of the Triforce of Wisdom

Blesses the user with the chosen power of the gods[

grants Statistics Reduction (The Triforce of Wisdom was able to weaken Ganon[]](The Triforce | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom))

Energy Manipulation & Intangibility (After gaining the Triforce of Wisdom Yuga gained the ability to coat his body in energy that made Links attacks phase through him)

Light Manipulation (Produced light to dispel the darkness that Ganon covered his chamber in)

Soul Manipulation (Zelda with the Triforce of Wisdom saved Midna by transferring her spirit into Midna’s body[]](The Triforce | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom))

Shapeshifting & Cloth Manipulation (Sheik used the Triforce of Wisdom to change back to their true form as Princess Zelda[10])

Will contain all the abilities and powers of the Triforce of Power

Blesses the user with the chosen power of the gods

and grants vastly increased physical strength (After tapping into the power of his Triforce piece, Ganondorf broke free from chains that left him completely helpless beforehand[1])

Immortality (Type 2 - Allowed Ganondorf to live through fatal wounds without the need for healing the damage[1], & Type 4 - After being killed by the Sword of Six Sages the Triforce of Power brought Ganondorf back to life just moments later[1])

Longevity (Ganondorf lived for hundreds of years between the events of Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker, only becoming middle aged during that time[13])

This field containes and infuses all the abilities and powers of the true force the combined triforce in to the armor

Grants all previous abilities, plus Reality Warping (Can grant the wishes of anyone who touches it[16]

Resurrection & Biological Manipulation (Resurrected the king and restored his flesh[16] after Agahnim had killed him and reduced him to a skeleton[19])

Healing (Restored the bug catching kid back to full health[16] after he had caught a cold and came down sick earlier in the game[20])

Creation (Created a new Triforce for Lorule[21])

Telekinesis (Lifted Link into the air[22],

Power Nullification (Broke the sleeping curse that was placed on Zelda[25]

Transmutation (Can turn people into a reflection of their heart and mind[26])

Telepathy (Beckoned Link to come to their chamber[28], and telepathically spoke to him while he was being transported[22])

Teleportation (Can teleport Link to different lands[22])

Light Manipulation (Can generate large amounts of light[23])

When assembled, the Triforce allows the owner to make and be granted as many wishes as they want, which usually last until they die or the wish is fulfilled. It will remain with the user until they send it away or have it taken from them, as explained in A Link to the Past

So this field will do the same by use of the mandala place a finger on the mandala and say what you want to manifest or you can write down up to 10 things you want to manifest and they can be detailed wishes if you want to add a lot of details and then place the Mandala on the list and/or play the audio and say activate wishes and the triforce armor will go to work helping you manifest with all its power and fields connected to it and with the help of the golden goddesses and all the deities and good entities that blessed the armor through a type of divine manifestation. You can also change the wish or manifestation at anytime.
Also A protection from negative wishes and manifestations only good no harmful wishes can manifest like a manifestation filter .

Divine cone of power ritual a modification of the cone of power field that is enhance with the triforce armor and the blessing and divine energies of the armor and all the beings connected to it. The cone of power ritual will play out in a thousand timelines every second until the wish manifests or is changed.

Please add The probability wave

Genetic Revision of the divine hero a field that requests all the beneficial gods/goddesses, angels and immortals to upgrade and heal our DNA through divine means or divine technology or by adding some of their godly or angelic dna into us so all physical ,mental and energetic handicaps and diseases and genetic blockages are removed as well as granting us divine symmetry and grace and divine manifestation as well as divine immortal hero genetic perfection.

Also This NFT can also become permanent over time so no matter what happens to the blockchain as long as we own this NFT and have the mandala picture saved and audio it will also work for us we just won’t be able to transfer or sell it at that point.

AS well as anything else that i might have missed or you think would make this better.


It’s got an interesting force/gravity to it :+1:

I’m budgeting for brain fields, though… so I’ll look forward to the description when it posts lol


ok i copy pasted a bit but here it is their were a couple of things i removed that deam didnt add in so you know i got a little bit too creative.


How many copies exist?


A small number


Now it’s 22/37. Pretty sure tomorrow will be sold out, lol.


As a long time Zelda fan(maybe my favorite childhood game), Couldn’t resist to buy this beauty! :star_struck:




Numbering is random.


I’m not going off the number u get when u buy it, you can just try to buy 22 and see if it lets u have them in your cart.




Ah thank you. I misunderstood.


Is the X means additional printing?

Not this time

Does the audio have the same affect of the NFT or only some aspects? Also if i play the field few times the armor will stay for how long?


The description is too many things together. I wish there was a more direct summary of all the benefits this NFT can offer and in which way. Right now it seems all over like healing to shielding to manifesting to dna scan and ancestors. And also the original concept is from a game … so it’s virtual Triforce basically…. Then how will it give its power in reality.
@dragonlord … kindly explain this NFT more. Thanks


16 left 🫢

The intercession parts where to help create the triforce in our reality
The various shielding and sword are elements of the game the hero possess
Basically the triforce is all over the place with abilities each piece has some unique abilities and attributes I was trying to set the ground work for them all in part 1
As well as remove any blockages and traumas that would prevent someone from becoming the divine hero.

The auric field expander is like an early warning to danger imagine gannon is launching a long range attack the sooner you detect that attack the faster you can shield from it.
Part 2 is basically all the abilities of each tri force pieces
While the third part covers the abilities that the true force has which is the combined pieces of the tri force a well as some fields for manifesting and

Most projects are basically a single topic manifestation or healing, ect so yeah its a little everywhere because its based on the abilities of an object and helping become a hero worthy of that object.

FYI im not very good at explaining things but I try.


Dang man I wanted this one :sob: but I don’t think I’ll be able snag it in time.

But if Captain can make the triforce I hope he makes other video game/cartoon artifacts in the near future.


16 left

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