Cosmic Triforce X

15 now

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Bought nr 35/37

also bought

18/37 so isnā€™t in in purchase order

27 holders so 10 left

I guess this would protect me from Tons of Damage?

Okay, iā€™ll see myself outā€¦ :sweat_smile:

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Much more than just protectionā€¦


How is everyone s experience with this NFT?

Last 7 copies.

I would give it 2-5 hours at most, lol.

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Can any current owners comment on how this NFT has been working for you?

This field really seems fantastic.

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Well, hard to say, I didnā€™t acquire telepathy, telekinesis, not yet. But had some more intense vivid dreams, and feeling like a bit more powerful, the feeling overall is hard to describe, as I have lots of other related fields as well. But this definitely feels like something was added to me, more energy, being better cleansed, etc.


Last 3 copies, whoā€™s the fastest? :smiley:

EDIT: Last 2 now.


should it always be worn?

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always? Depends what and how much you want from this, but would advise to wear it most of the time, except sleep.

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I mean: I make a wish and then what? must it be kept on until it comes true?

Well, if u make a wish, then holding it and listening to it every day + daily meditation and interaction with it may only be the best bet at least.

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I understand that it is possible to wish several wishes simultaneously. How many wishes maximum it is possible to add simulation to mandala or audio?!

Is it possible to make wishes for our loved ones with this NFT (knowing that they themselves are in agreement for this)?

I donā€™t see why would it be restricted, just with way many wishes, it might take a little longer.

I think it is possible to some extent, just donā€™t expect that it will give them full effects of this NFT.

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The last copy of this NFT!

For those, who donā€™t have it yet, race of time, lol.


Thanks a lot for your answers

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