Cosmic Triforce X


Body is clear

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sometimes I think it’s the fields that choose the owners…I mean, I had no intention of spending any more money for at least a week, and while I was repeating to myself “no, no, that’s enough, this is too expensive”, the my fingers were already on the mouse clicking “buy”, and without even realizing it I had bought… is it just me thinking this?


Likewise me.


Same with me.


Oh yes
Mr potter
The wands choose their wizards


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Anyway to join the original group for this? I feel there’s a lot of depth here that hard to understand


I had about usd 400 in paypal yesterday, I saw that there were only 37 copies so I bought one as an investment(being sincere)|copy #12| . curiosity made me try this.

First night: very vivid dreams, lucid dreams, I could even generate my own dreams, in a moment later I felt that I left my body to the dark jungle of the astral and then I decided to wake up… Interesting experience. apparently this is going to be the holy grail for lucid dreaming, and other types of matrix projections. since all this happened on the first day.


‘matrix projections’ what’s that?

Im noticing some weird strong effects 1rst day most are kind of personal though. Pretty sure I had crazy dreams last night ill try harder to remember tonight

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all dimensions of space-time belong to the material plane (time-movement matrix), I mean projections in virtual realities such as the astral, the ethereal, alternate realities, dream techniques. projections to those virtual places of time matrix.

Another detail now that you mention it is that I remember last night’s dreams almost perfectly.


In terms of physical effects, this field apparently overload the nervous system very little. which is good. and the body feels lighter, when you walk you feel like something pushes you forward.


I noticed more vivid dreams, but also very emotional dreams: related to my past in a cleansing way I think. Also noticed something unexpected as I was watching a movie: I began to sense energy in my legs and arms

At night also felt more intense results of energy work as I like to run energy from head to toes before sleeping, this time the vibrational state came sooner and easily than before, in aprox 10 minutes. I think the intelligent armor or suit is doing its work in my entire energy body

In waking state today I noticed that this field interrupted a negative state at its very beginnig. It was like I realised almost instantly when I began to feel bad for something I was thinking and then stopped

Really interesting creation. Thank you for making it public for other LoZelda’s fans also.


the description mentions a smart link to all fields and NFTs we own, does this mean if we carry this one, we don’t need to carry our other fields?


I printed it yesterday afternoon, and I don’t know but… I didn’t sleep , I was awake all night


Take it easy. I believe it was for your most highest good. For the maximum benefit and most powerful positive outcome. Blessings brother.


Sold out in two days!?
I wish they’ll increase the number of copies…
Would like to hear feedback from lucky ones who were able to buy this


15 hours, afaik.

Or u can try your luck in Buying/selling thread.

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Review from last night The same, incredible vivid dreams. Apparently the armor makes you more aware in dreams, and to perfectly remember the adventures in the dream worlds.


Please also

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