Course General Discussion

I realize it was wrong to listen to all audios in one day. I listened to them all in one day… didn‘t follow instruction fully. Now what should I do? Thanks!

Just start from the beginning and follow the suggested guidelines.
You’ll be fine.


How are u feeling? :innocent:

Thank you!


Hard to tell… I was already overwhelmed to begin the audio course with. I‘ve been emotional lately… guilt and sadness, that’s why I thought to start with the course… then here I was listening to all of them in one day. Not sure where the heavy mind come from… from emotions or from the audios… I think to be honest… I‘m better than yesterday or the past weekend. Baby steps…

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If you want you can also listen aura cleaning before start from the beginnig (this time following the schedule)

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Thanks for the tip,… yes good idea.

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Uhm, is it necessary to listen to the chakra series (after the first round of listening) since Body Primer clears the energy body of all junk?

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Ego Dissolution -> Meditation -> Body Primer -> Emotional Release.

That’s been working quite well for me. On 3rd day of Body Primer. Really enjoying this.


From my understanding it’s not recommended to listen to the chakra, vibration, and storage series because of interference with the course. These can be implemented back in after you finish the course at least once. Less is more.

Has anyone been feeling ‘lost’ since starting the course? I’ve literally been meditating/thinking almost all my free time now, most things don’t grab my attention now. How you guys been doing?


Definitely I’m getting huge urges to meditate even more during the day, not sure if it’s the course or the Ascension Tag :blush:


I’ve been looping VoD a lot more too, yesterday I went out to do something and just watching the plants out there was amazing, relaxing. Wish I could just watch plants all day lol


At some stage you will notice a lot of details that you were not aware, such as the colors it feels like moving from HD to 8k TV set, notice the space between the flowers, the gap, hard to explain… it’s like there are no thoughts for a second or two and bang everything is so clear and peaceful, the trick is to hold that :rofl: Awareness of the present moment



I personally think the Self-Realization series is a great non-energy body accompaniment to this course.


I should have mentioned this is my second time listening to the course audio fields.


Can I use transmutation of lower basal energy after body primer

Hi guys is this stack good for while I’m doing the course :
Stop Procastinating
Hyper State
Super Human
Love Yourself

I wouldn’t recommend any audios while listening to the course audios because you probably won’t be able to handle it. It’s really subjective, so try it out and see if it works out for you.

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