Course Live Webinar 10/30 at 1 PM EST

Ello ladies and gents. We will be doing another live webinar on October 30th, 1 PM EST to get updates on everyone’s progress with the course and answer any questions you all might have. Look forward to talking to those that can make it!

If you are enrolled and didn’t receive an email, let me know.


Thanks you all in advance for asking questions :grin:

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Yay :grinning:

I just enrolled yesterday. May I get an email please?

I deleted the email you sent yesterday, by mistake.
Could I have it again? Thanks!


Thank you !!!

Great session! Really enjoyed it and it was a blast having Dream join us as well.

Dang though :confused: I thought it recorded but it didn’t record at all. That’s a shame.


I have recorded half a session. Could send if you want.
About 1h 15min


I did not received the email, also would be recording available? Thank you so much!

Kindly send it to sam bro. I was at work and missed the webinar. Good job recording it.


Please send :)

Ah man! I missed it. I was busy all day long :no_mouth:

Hi Sam I voice recorded the last two hours of the webinar. I will email it to you. I wish I had started recording from the beginning as it really was an awesome webinar!!!


This live seems so long :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It was indeed great! Thank you Sam! Thank you Dream! :-)

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@SammyG hope you upload it soon.

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It’s already uploaded, located in section 15 of the course.

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The first two webinars have been uploaded. The third one has not been added yet. Sammy said he didn’t record it but some of the members did, so I’m hoping we get at least what they have recorded


Someone please send or upload if they have it, I missed the webinar :(