Crypto wallets - FAQs

Around here in the forum we mostly have Phantom, there are other NFTs that are in Venly

And crypto . Com was because it was on that one that some NFTs were minted

Both are good


For solana wallets, phantom and solflare are both good. For polygon wallets, there are many choices, and you can try out all the options out there. I use phantom for polygon NFTs since it’s convenient to manage both solana and polygon NFTs in one wallet.

Ledger only supports polygon NFTs in its native app (ledger live). To use ledger for solana NFTs, you have to link it to solflare. Trezor does not support solana chain at all. Cold storage for NFTs are not convenient in general, because they mostly require third-party wallets for management.


Are sapien medicine NTFs Polygone or Solana ones? 🪽

Thank You!
Really helpful :pray:t3::ok_hand:t2:

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