Crystal Alchemy for the Throat Chakra - Psychic University


What is the Throat Chakra?

The throat chakra, or Vishuddha, is the fifth primary chakra in the chakra system. Located at the center of the neck, it is the gateway for energy between the lower parts of the body and the head. The function of the throat chakra is directly related to expression and communication, whether it’s verbal, non-verbal, artistic, or simply the way we express our feelings and thoughts.

Benefits of a Balanced and Developed Throat Chakra:

  • Clear Communication: Individuals with a balanced throat chakra can express themselves openly and honestly, without fear of judgment or misunderstanding.

  • Authentic Self-expression: The ability to present yourself genuinely, without pretending or feeling the need to hide your true self

  • Good Listening Skills: Not just about speaking, a balanced throat chakra also enables one to listen actively and understand others better.

  • Creative Expression: It enhances creativity, especially in verbal and written forms.

  • Truthfulness: People are more inclined to speak the truth and also recognize the truth when others speak.

  • Physical Health: It can promote a healthier throat, neck, ears, mouth, and thyroid function.

Consequences of an Imbalanced or Blocked Throat Chakra:

  • Difficulty in Expressing Oneself: People might find it hard to put their feelings into words or may fear expressing their true thoughts.

  • Miscommunication: This can lead to misunderstandings or conflicts with others due to not being able to convey thoughts or feelings properly.

  • Fear of Speaking: This could manifest as anxiety around public speaking, speaking up in groups, or even in intimate conversations.

  • Dishonesty: There might be tendencies to lie or manipulate the truth.

  • Throat Ailments: Physical symptoms might include sore throats, thyroid problems, voice issues, dental issues, or other problems related to the neck and mouth.

  • Feeling Isolated or Misunderstood: As communication becomes a challenge, there can be feelings of isolation or being misunderstood by others.

  • Creative Blocks: An imbalance in the throat chakra can stifle creativity, especially in areas that involve communication such as writing, singing, or public speaking.

This is a combination of Boji Stone and Kambaba Jaspe combined in a very refined alchemy with the purpose of purify, balance and energize your Throat Chakra.


To help with the Mercury retrograde :ok_hand:


As far as I know, it seems to be related to the root chakra. Also about parallel Yin and Yang.
Because most crystal books seem to judge by the color of the stone.

I also find that the crystal stones used in your Crystal Energy field do not match the effects described in the crystal book. I’m curious, and I kind of know. Can you explain it to us?


When you look at this stone, you usually don’t think it has anything to do with the throat chakra. :upside_down_face:

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Perhaps PU likes to make us an experiment.
So if it is succeed, it’s success.
If no then, it is at least gathers data. :grin:

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If I’m not mistaken in alchemy you take 2 or more things and make something different with them. So the product has different properties then the ingredients.


I’m not sure, but my understanding is that Pu reprograms the potentials and energies of all the crystals for a purpose. So even if crystal/s x is not useful for a purpose, Pu changes crystal/s programming and where its energy will act.

In short, programming the energy and potential of the crystal for any purpose.



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Great! Just grabbed. This is a blockage I’ve recently learned I need to work on. Thank you.

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I used to collect a lot of crystals and minerals. If I put them together, will their energy produce this alchemical change? @Psychic_University

This is interesting. I wish I could learn it. :pray:

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@Psychic_University, how does this one relate to the mercury healing?

Is the mercury healing subset of this? Or the other way around?

And could you explain the relation between chakras and astro healing in general? Thank you.


I don’t think they are directly related. But maybe somehow.

They relate in fundamental elements, deities involved. More on the vedic astrology for this one, though.

Maoshan has nice posts about chakras that might give us insights about this:

They seem to be related somehow but not directly. It’s my guess.

A field uniting both concepts would be interesting.

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They are related.

My suggestion is to have a big picture and scattered approach on this - the throat chakra is linked to speech, mercury as well, so they are related somehow. A triple gemini has a developed throat chakra, in very general terms and in average.

You can try using the astro healing fields too, and see how they impact in your chakras.

I know there are systems creating this relationship in a more complex way, but I can’t say to what extent they are so right because I never applied much study to that part. But there is a relationship, yes.

I don’t think it will be as effective but yes