Csn anyone suggest me an audio that create miracles in my life

I can’t stand this fuckinglife anymore ,with those closed minds family ,that has a lot of entities ,and they attract there problems with there s mind ,and that affect me , i am tired of this :disappointed:!!


journey to the light game

it will help you release/accept feelings, accept people and situations


Give this a try, listen every 8 hours.
Good luck and stay strong


Attract love

Unconditional you

Divine love

These for your foundation based


EZ if you accept your life first, no one in this universe can help you with that, first, you have f* fields that can do magical things always learn about a new thing, you will be master in energy when you are at that level u begin to exp things you never thought your reach it Master your mind, seat and talk to u,

energy flow and attract people and attention
*1.https://youtu.be/1zwSOZiIRJk x2-3 help u to balance your energy and mentally

*2 https://youtu.be/G72fUrdhD1g this with unconditional u will be a good combo to attract love and eternal love

*3https://youtu.be/0gSZdg3iEUo star give that peace being pure with endless joy and creativity plus when u give this energy u will be more attractive than 45 % prepare yourself for attention from people Being centered, the center of attention. abundance, confidence, inspiration, you have more than enough. Being recognized for your gifts

*4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouQBCHifJS0 this provide u with the emperor, boos a leader mentality A strong person who does care about anyone opinion, u will have that ability to fell responsibility and Masculinity

*5https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a085_nkLYs0 its powerful card to use it you be simply Mastering your fear and satisfying your life you will feel like you creating a beast, Taming the beast within, this is rare btw

*6https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q252N-4-b58, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLTa3RNrnmI, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiYTnWTCq-U
those will carry u with a big amout of energy flow, expect high testosterone and androsterone other pheromones this will boost no fap, normal pheromone production
+if u want
YouTube Music
Unconditional Androstenol

*7 https://youtu.be/d_TVAvYn71Q , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZojruWSVLU this usually increases trust and generosity and reduces fear of social betrayal. It helps with bonding and enhancing social interactions.

*8https://youtu.be/Hjtmh3Dm5iI?list=PL5Q0pxUY5R1nWNNfWAfILilJV2ZfdUqtW this I power literally will enhance charisma and with at will leave a big effect on people to gain more communication skills

*9https://youtu.be/ppyJg9AqLdE?list=PL5Q0pxUY5R1nRVLMsEAspBtPJZ-PVQtRG this help u to connect with people and understand their deep feelings many other benefits

this is ordered to help u regain that attractive healthy face as youthful young OG xD

-* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLnptVVaXXM&list=PL5Q0pxUY5R1mHdBGAjBbfWvjKYKhXxsGi&index=1
- https://youtu.be/tfqSJHW9aQY?list=PL5Q0pxUY5R1mHdBGAjBbfWvjKYKhXxsGi
- https://youtu.be/fQFIHK8PttQ?list=PL5Q0pxUY5R1mHdBGAjBbfWvjKYKhXxsGi
- https://youtu.be/GCNS0zhLCDk?list=PL5Q0pxUY5R1mHdBGAjBbfWvjKYKhXxsGi
- https://youtu.be/AX84I4r3K9U?list=PL5Q0pxUY5R1mHdBGAjBbfWvjKYKhXxsGi
try and talk to me :D

at the end of year you will be 80% more attractive than you are + your dream personality + vivid life + understanding more this life …etc
this will help u more than you think to enjoy your life


Thanks you very much for those recommendation


Excellent playlist. I am going to start this playlist from today onwards. Thanks,

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