Cthulhu Mythos NFT (bad idea)

I think the main problem though is Cthulhu generally induces insanity.

Its how he is designed and part of the created mythos.


There goes my very first idea for a project but thanks Captain for confirming. Maybe a NFT of octopus for its communication would be a good idea.

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Ah, that’s too bad. I was looking forward to seeing how you guys would bridle that issue.


I am also more inclined to these “bad ideas” often, but I don’t (yet?) think of putting these forward.

Sometimes it’s just overly personal things, and the line between real and imaginary can be quite blurred. I would not like to put something that’s just my imagination on the forum. :upside_down_face:


Sorry. I laughed so hard when I saw (bad idea) in the thread title.

On a serious note, it does make me wonder about the negative aspects of working with other entities. Like how much of the negative myths are them and how much are not depending on one’s perspective.


@Maoshan_Wanderer @Captain_Nemo Is connection to Goetia demons as NFT bad idea too?

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That guy looks like he is in cool anime.What is it from bro?

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It’s the main protagonist of Gintama anime. One of the funniest anime I’ve ever watch.

Captain said it, possibility of going insane, so may be for the future if there is going to be a way out.

@Kuma good, that was intentional :joy:

Is Cthulhu a movie based or some kind of entity? Why does it make someone insane? :eyes:

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If this NFT were to be made probably it would feel a little like this for some.

What it does? Looks scary

Actually when I first saw the following project title a few months ago and the project starter username was dagon I thought it was a Cthulhu plot (just kidding).

Nothing sleeping, dreaming. It will be too long to write.

That’s scary :joy:


Godzilla, a destroyer of cities, seems safer than any of the Cuthulu deities.

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Godzilla and King Kong nfts would be awesome.

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Godzilla eventually became a protector. Kong always had that aspect. Both seem a bit quick to anger, though.

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