Project The chosen one NFT:Conquer the world

the chosen one nft
Hello friends, my natural language is Spanish so everything I write is a google translation. This nft is for all the dreamers who want to make their mark on the world. Congratulations you have been chosen to be the protagonist of the history of the world. Rejoice in the universe and destiny that are always on your side and direct you to your dreams. Your power is so great that your thoughts create reality and impact the world. At this moment you will realize that you have always hidden an enormous and unlimited inner power that today has been released. You will feel how quickly all your mental and physical capacities increase exponentially; your power of attraction and materialization are getting stronger. Remember that the magnitude of your exploits will affect the course of history. Enjoy the way impacts the world and history.
Max amount of nft per member:2
I would like there to be 22 nft in total.


Impacting the world around us positively is a good proposition. Which way do you plan to take for achieving this? Powerful aura? Mental influence? Or doing some powerful practical event like finding a cure for a disease, stopping crime?
Being able to manifest what we want & being able to direct the way we want our life to go seems great.


I’m very interested in this Idea and would like to join this group! When I think of a chosen one I imagine them having a presence that effects others. For example someone like Mike Tyson, who can strike fear into men by just looking them in the eyes. In my case I want to have a presence that puts others at ease, I want them to overcome by safety and reasurese when I walk into a room.


here I am ! I’m inside


Sounds good! I’m in :)


count me in.


I’m interested please.


I’d like to join - This idea has a lot of potential


A protagonist always meets his goals. He has goals of making big and bigger changes. He knows that he can always give more and he wants to. He has an unbreakable willpower and the ability to learn any skill easily and quickly (he knows everything subconsciously). He loves to continue learning and he is better at it and he does it faster and faster. He adapts to changes and his survival instinct is 100 percent activated. When facing adversity, he improves until the last moment before achieving his goal, if it is still not enough, the circumstances will allow him to leave in a better situation than he was before the problem. His energy is powerful, inexhaustible and attractive. His charisma and energy are getting stronger. The people around him admire him and follow him on his journey. Wherever he goes he is recognized. Wherever he goes he receives help from the environment around him. The chosen one is a magnet of people and opportunities.
All his actions have consequences and they are getting bigger. The world recognizes him and knows that he is the protagonist. Circumstances are always in his favor. He always surrounds himself with more and more people. The universe has chosen him as an agent of change and will provide all of his resources to facilitate his task. His growth, once he has been chosen, is exponential. The power of manifestation and materialization of it have an exponential growth. All his objectives are fulfilled and will leave a mark on the world.

Well guys, this NFT aims to give 22 lucky people the title of “the chosen one” which would be like a new birth but this time you will have and receive enormous internal and external support that will allow you to achieve your bigger and bigger goals. quickly.
The idea of ​​this is to leave a mark on the world, in theory the younger you receive this title, the greater the feats you will achieve in the different stages of your life. You could start as a king at 20 years old like Alexander the Great and in 8 years you would already be a conqueror, or at 30 you would already be a multimillionaire like Zuckerberg or if you are over 50 you could found an empire like Ray Krock or Colonel Sanders, with this nft you will have the opportunity to perform feats as you are or greater than the world has yet known in any or all areas. You could be a great businessman, politician, scientist or artist or why not you could be all of them. Will any of the chosen ones be The next Elon Musk, president, holywood artist, etc.?


Hope my answer answers your question. Remember that they are all ideas on my part, if you have additional ideas they can be discussed to reach a majority consensus.


I’m interested!


I am interested. And I think this concept can be refined further. It is similar to something I wanted to make. If possible, please count me in. :slightly_smiling_face:


I am interested if there is space.


This sounds like The Star


Very inspiring. I am all for anything that helps to make the world better!
Hope this topic gathers more & more ideas that will make this a powerful field

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Thats ok dream make things different even for similar so everyone is happi :D

Yeah of course

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It is true. But it also has elements of all the archetypes. Accompanied by a lot of luck, power of attraction, learning ability, etc.


would it also include guidance, protection, courage/confidence, healing and perfect memory?

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Sounds like an interesting concept, I would like to join if there is still space left :smiley: