Curious if anyone has met a living enlightened person

If so, how can you be sure?
@Maoshan_Wanderer possibly?

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what is your idea of an enlightened person?

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i suppose a person who is unequivocally unburdened by all things in the physical world

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That is hard to know someone may look like he or she is able to get by in life with a cheery attitude but deep inside that person could be depressed.

A tell tale sign recommended by Ramana Maharshi who was a non-dual teacher and saint and a realised being from India that if you find yourself incredibly peaceful in the presence of someone then there is a high degree of possibility that person is in touch with the fundamental reality and enlightened.


It is my thing to meet and become.

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Good luck

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The Violent Truth of AGHORA | Who Can Be An Aghori? | Aghori Guru Reveals! (
in this video, this Aghori said he met Mahavatar Babaji.
Interesting video btw

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A genuine liberated being, Jivanmukta, is an extremely, exquisitely rare thing

There are of course degrees in between

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How rare would it be among aliens though? How are their consciousness levels and methods compared to ours?

I think humans are kinda capped in many ways. So, aliens should be able to go much higher and in more complex ways. And that would make total liberation easier too?

I mean, in theory, our levels of consciousness (from death to enlightenment), the entire spectrum…is just one level on another scale, or even less…so I wonder what is out there.

Well…Dream has answered me on the forum. I can count that as “meeting” an enlightened being.

The retreat goers are lucky af.


Speaking of “enlightened souls”, since at least several of your parallel incarnations are “enlightened”, so is also automatically your Higher Self.
Otherwise you would not be able to give guidance from your future self to your current self.

That is, whatever “enlightened” means.
Maybe “enlightened” compared to most humans but not enlightened compared Beings above the Higher Self.
So it is all relative.

Now on physical earth, the challenges for souls in terms of self-development are dialed to the extreme.
Humans are very capped in terms of intellectual capabilities and in terms of life span.
There are also a ton emotional needs that are constantly there.
And obviously the whole constant physical survival game against the forces of entropy.
So “becoming enlightened” under these conditions is a master level challenge and quite rare to happen.
I am pretty sure Dream is that master level.


What I think about dream he multiverse level player😂

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There is a possibility of a full convergence between a certain incarnated self and the higher self within the bounds of the physical relam?

A point in which the incarnation advances that much that has a full awareness of being the higher self?


i feel we will know when the day comes where dream reaches that state when he stops engaging with the community and making fields. or maybe not. maybe he engages occasionally but from a detached position

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We are all more interconnected than it seems to our physical incarnational roles.