Custom Brain Stack results - 3 months of using it

am not really on anyone side but damm that one way to strawman someone’s argument

they said less credible not inferior


Thank you very much for your support! Don’t worry; I don’t mind sharing my stack. I’ll do it right now, and it’ll probably take me a while. But I know someone will say that he listened for three months and did not have the same results as I did. And after that, they will make me a liar, that my story is fake, and so on.


You’re right, so let’s end this misunderstanding. Thank you very much.


Dont worry.

People wont think that.

You will probably come across my reviews here and there

And some of them are like they came out of fantasy books.

But who caresssssss its my experience and by sharing we inspire others to try and to experiment until they find their serendipities and epiphanies too



Before listening to the actual brain stack, I ensured that I got rid of some blockages to get faster results. Everyone has blockages, and this is why everyone should listen to these fields; it’s not mandatory anyway, you will still get results.
I used: "Subconscious Limits (Removal) Ver 2.0 (Energy Programmed) for two weeks, along with “Ego Dissolution.”
“Subconscious Limits (Removal) Ver 2.0 (Energy Programmed)” - 3 times a day;
“Ego Dissolution” - 2 times per week.
So we come to a total of 42 listens for “Subconscious Limits (Removal) Ver 2.0 (Energy Programmed).” and 4 listens for “Ego Dissolution.”

I will say from now on that I didn’t listen to anything overnight. Sleep is essential, and to be at your 100% throughout the day regardless of your objective, you need high-quality sleep.

And here we go:

  • Acetylcholine (3 times) + Enpp6 (3 times)
    Sometimes I listened to Acetylcholine 4 times, but you shouldn’t overdo it at all, 3 times and a half from the 4th time. Over listening to it would result in the following: increased salivation, lacrimation, muscular weakness, paralysis, muscular fasciculation, and blurry vision. It can also lead to symptoms related to anxiety and depression, and we don’t want that.

  • Superhuman genius (3 hours) → 30 listens; after every 6 listens, I listened to “The Plasma Brain of Youth” once.
    Everyone knows that listening more than 2 times to the Superhuman Genius field leads to brain overgrowth. So after the entire session with this field, I listened to the Autism field 4 times.

  • BDNF (2 times) + Nitric Oxide Boost once.

  • Brain Growth Work (4 times) + Nitric Oxide Boost once.

That’s it for this part. Some days after finishing the Superhuman genius field session, I listened to the Autism field only twice, so I could listen 2 more times after the Brain Growth work session. Anyway, I didn’t listen to the Autism field more than 4 times. Maybe @Dr_Manhattan could tell if listening to the Autism field once or twice after the Brain Growth work session would be beneficial.

I also made sure to listen to the Alzheimer’s field twice a week for detox.

The next part:

  • Synesthesia (4 times) + Enhanced Visual Processing (4 times)
    If anyone listens to this playlist, you should listen to the Enhanced Visual Processing field only 3 times; I listened to it 4 times because I felt like doing it.

From time to time, I would also listen at least 10 minutes to Imaginarium Divine, since I didn’t had the Conceptual realization field.

And before going to sleep I listened to the Permanent Brain Enhancement field (3 times).


You don’t need autism, you don’t need Alzheimer not once not twice, not in the morning nor in the evening.


I see, thank you. I just wanted to make sure that I’m on the safe side of this road.


Oh, I forgot to mention, but I increased my IQ by 8 points in just 3 months.


The way I see it, the more you use the brain stack the better your brain stack will be :wink:
Good luck


Yeah, you’re right. This stack might be bad, but this is what worked for me; if you think it’s terrible, don’t hesitate to say or change anything; that way, people can get the best of it.


And that’s what matters in the end


Good stack but if anyone does this make sure to take it slow beacuse 4 times for brain growth is overkill i think.

Like i use to spam the brain fields but recently philp told me to listen to autism and that helped me so much i dont think it was beacuse i might have autism beacuse i would of know but that

but beacuse i use to spam all the brain fields a long time ago

my mind has never been so clear


What do @SammyG and @Dreamweaver think about this? 3hrs of Superhuman genius, that’s well above the recommended dose. Is listening to BDNF, NGF, Brain regeneration and autism enough to cover any side effects?


Listening guidelines are pretty clear. Everything else you do is at your own risk.


Yes, they should. But as you can see, in my stack, I listen to The Plasma Brain of Youth after six listens of Superhuman Genius.

Edit: The Plasma Brain of Youth is like a v2 version of Brain Regeneration.

After 30 listens (3 hours), you also have to listen to the Autism field 4 times; this is what I did. I didn’t, and I still don’t have any brain fog.

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I listened to the Brain Growth work 3 and a half times, close to 4. But since my stack has BDNF, you can listen to it 3 times instead of 4.

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yes, but my question is whether they prevent any side effects or it’s just some help

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He replied to you based on his experience and explained that it prevented side effects as he didn’t feel any.

If you have plasma brain, use it at the end of the day instead of the middle of your stack so as to avoid removing the effects from superhuman genius, no need for autism or any other field to fix your brain.

Plasma brain is more than enough, it does much more than you’ll know. It fixes everything including problems you guys haven’t uncovered yet.

Superhuman genius is many years old, Captain knows why and how, he knows how we use the fields and what we need.


Sounds great. Then, for everyone reading this, please don’t listen to the Autism Field / Alzheimer one anymore since it’s unnecessary; you would waste 30 minutes, but 4 times of The Brain Plasma of Youth will do the job and maybe much more according to Phillip. Thanks for sharing!


and if I don’t have it yet, Autism, brain reg and bdnf are enough, right?