Custom Brain Stack results - 3 months of using it

In the first place, I want to say hello. Since I just made an account here, I didn’t use any category when I made this thread, but I hope it’s okay :)

I want to share my results of using brain stack for 3 months.

I noticed a slight improvement from the first days in terms of better memory and concentration. For example, after 18 days, I noticed that when I was reading a page from a book, I could visualize it entirely and remember what I had just read with minimum effort.
To detail it a little more, I saw myself reading in 3D as an image, and then the image would move from me reading to seeing what I was reading, word by word and even images if there were any. Pretty cool, right? I wasn’t able to do that before listening, to clarify.

However, I noticed more results after 2 more months in terms of problem-solving. I was terrible at math, and I couldn’t solve any problem, not even with the formula(s) in my face. I would get bad grades all the time, etc. It was also my fault because I didn’t pay too much attention in my class, and when I tried to solve the homework at home, I couldn’t. Anyway, after one month of constant listening, seeing the formula(s) once was more than enough to remember them (thanks to the 3D image view). But this isn’t all! I also noticed a nice trick while solving problems. After reading the problem only once, it would get on the top of the 3D image, and then the formula(s) would come below the problem, which made my work more straightforward, and not only that. My brain started using that formula(s) and updated the 3D image in my head automatically. Below the formula, my brain did further calculations using the formula until I got the final answer. All I had to do was to concentrate. But there is also a limit to this new brain function, meaning that it can only solve the problems if I know the formula(s) for these types of problems. And also, sometimes it would get stuck to the middle, or I would forget 20% of the solution. And yes, I verified to check if the answers were correct, and they were, in most cases, with minor errors. Hope you understood something from this, haha.

Other results? That’s pretty much it. Right now, I stopped listening for 2 weeks, and then I’ll start again.
It’s worth a try, and you have nothing to lose; if you know your brain, you can make a good and short stack. Why did I say “short” too? Because I saw that the problem for many of you is that you are impatient and get bored fast, but you’re not going to achieve anything like that.

You will see improvements very fast in terms of memory and concentration; you will get better grades (if you are still in school or university), improve the quality of your life; you will see life differently.

Feel free to ask any question, I will answer.


Welcome to the forum! And I’m glad you gaining good results :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you!

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Welcome to the forum!

Would you care to share what specific brain stack you’ve been using to produce these results?


I don’t want to share it yet, but you can use Philip brain stack, looks good.

Okay man, it says your public profile is closed, is it possible to pm you?

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Oh, sorry. I just sent you a message.

OK, whats your game.

U joined the forum 13 hrs ago from this point.
Posted that a brain stack from S.M. has helped u:
“Custom Brain stack results-3 months of using it”
When asked u replied
“I don’t want to share it yet, but you can use Philip brain stack, looks good.”

P.S. People who want
help with brain stacks (or any stacks for that matter):

The “magnifying glass” aka search on this forum is your friend, use it and take time to actually READ Phillip’s posts on brain stacks OR any stacks for that matter.
Many respected people here have OPENLY given their advice FOR FREE, including myself, on different stacks, or other advice, no frickken secrets that they “aren’t ready” to share. These are EXPERIENCED people on this forum and EXPERIENCED people with these fields!


“feel free to ask any question… ill answer”

question is asked

“i dont want to share it yet”



I don’t want to share my stack, yet. I just wanted to share my results, so I don’t see what’s the problem?

Yeah, I didn’t have an account there. I just made one. You can read threads without creating an account, so this is what I did 3 months ago…I did my own research on fields, then made my own stack. I am willing to help people making their own, but I won’t share mine just yet. What worked for me, might not work for others, do you understand?

One more thing…what’s more important? To show people you’re better than someone else at brain stacks? Or to help each other? I didn’t come here for fame or to lie to anyone. I came here to share my results. To motivate more people, to make more people believe in Sapien Medicine. Isn’t it bad enough that the COVID-19 pandemic separated us even more? When we seemed a little more united. I can delete the thread if you want. I don’t mind. I didn’t share my brain stack because Philip’s one it’s already good enough at the moment, but yes, mine it’s different. I’m not here to start a competition.

Please share it with us when you now here accounted, and explain it in details all !!

You must now !


That’s your duty now according to your post Zeptar

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Its not a problem just weird an unusual in this forum but its your post :woman_shrugging:t2:

Dont be mad at us either, we help each other without restrictions and mysteries around here.

The most valuable contribution in the forum is actually sharing stacks or ways to use the best possible what is available to us.

The only times we come across posts like yours with cryptic messages or half explanations SPECIALLY someone that just opened an account have been when sooner or later they advertise another creator or their own product to use alone or in combination with Sapien Medicine lmao. (Never fails)

Further more when they just want communication via private messages.

So yeah dont be upset with our reaction when you are coming here for the 1st time with all this show. It loses total credibility


You are also right up to a certain point. But yes, I did not come here to recommend anyone else. I only listened, and I still listen to Sapien Medicine. Also, I don’t care what others have done, but I haven’t come to advertise any product. Another thing that bothered me is if I’m only here for a day, does that mean I’m dumber, or am I inferior to you or someone else? Sorry, but I can’t accept that. I will share my brain stack as soon as I can. It may be today or tomorrow.

Nobody said that.

It loses credibility because we dont know much about you

You open a profile Private
Make a post but dont want to share specifics
Says open to answer questions but in private messages not actually answering when asked
gets upset when asked for clarification

Im out. Ill leave you do your way its ok

  1. I made the profile private because I don’t want to receive messages, but I am open to answering the questions in this thread. I mean questions like: “How many times should I listen to Superhuman Genius”; “Were you listening to any field overnight?” and so on.
  2. I said above why I didn’t want to share my stack, + my stack might not work the same for everyone, or it might not work at all for some.
  3. Troglodyte369 sent me a message in private, and I answered him, I told him that my stack has the “Brain Growth Work” in it, and I asked him if he had it or if he was willing to spend money to buy it. At the moment, I’m still waiting for his answer. I can also offer alternative options.
  4. Are you my neighbor? Did you come to my door to see if I’m upset or not? I just told you it bothered me, not that I was upset. We should all be a united community here.

You wont get that far with that attitude i tell you that much.

Too combative in your replies.

As i said. Do whatever you want, but dont complain later if you dont get the response you seek.

We embrace, welcome and help everybody here but we do not take well this kind of approach.

Look how far this has spiraled unnecessary, just with a simple question that is normal in the forum

If people dont get the same results as you thats ok, it happens all the time, as long aa your method is not putting anybody at risk, we know evrybody is different, theres not a perfect 100% on point stack that delivers what each person wants, and thats exactly what this forum is for.

To SHARE how we do it, so others can consider and try and see if it works for them or not.

Thats the whole entire point of a forum specially this.

But congratulations on your results and i wish you more achievements.



I’m neutral in whatever is happening here.
But don’t stop because of me, I like reading other people’s stack (doesn’t mean they have to share it).

I took some inspiration from bodybuilding stacks and others when I made my brain stack and it’s not my full or complete brain stack either, so no pressure :man_shrugging:

Also, if you don’t feel comfortable sharing, it’s fine too. You’re new here. Took me a while to go from sharing a few tips to making threads