Custom fields experience / please share :)

Are you meditating enough? Are you going outside enough, grounding to the earth, sun gazing, etc.? Focus on the fields and items your using more while meditating. Act as If they’ve already worked and helping I know that can be hard at times but trust me makes manifestation a lot easier. Also try boosting the fields and definitely use energy blockage removal and subconscious removal things like that. Chances are the fields are fighting with you because of you subconscious. I feel they work regardless but having your body, mind, and soul all in tune it makes the process much much easier you won’t have to fight it will come naturally if that makes sense. Try also chanting mantras but be careful please make sure you know what your chanting lol. Also try focusing on one thing at a time I feel that’s easier for me. When you meditate VISUALIZE. Visualization is key get good at it. Visualize the sickness leaving you and you being in perfect health again. See your chakras glow bright in line. Start to learn to do things like dream on command If that makes sense I don’t know what the exact term would be but try to snap into a dream state and fly around stuff like that. Just keep working don’t stop trust me. I hope I was able to help. Stay blessed and remember even through the storm there is always a beautiful day :blush:

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Ooooh you lucky thing :)) 30 fields!! Wow…
Have got childlike wonder? Or eternal bliss?
Could you share your experience with them please?:)

Thank you for that :blush::blush: I will do all that you’ve said!

Currently still sick but doing a bit better!

Appreciating all the responses :)

Ooh forgot to ask, do the fields on the items get stronger when you wear them or stay the same?
Do u have to wear it every so often to keep the fields working or do they stay forever on the item until you break or destroy it by accident…

Coz I read somewhere that the NFT fields get stronger over time… can anyone explain why this is?

I actually prefer wearing items… the NFTs are great as art but as a woman I don’t really care to wear a dog tag :tired_face::persevere::persevere::persevere::persevere:. And like carrying around print outs is like a no thx as well…
Imbued fields and items are so much better!!

And if I print my NFTs out on jewellery say like a round I might lose detail as it would be super tiny…