Custom images for NFTs

Some people have been asking about it, but now it’s officially allowed to add custom AI pictures along with your titles and drafts during the submission process.

BUT… they have to be copyright free. It’s up to you to ensure the images are safe to use and certify their origins.

ChatGPT/davinci images are fine for now.

Only 1 picture can be included in the submission.


Wow amazing! :pray:

Can we add them to the already registered projects or not?

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We’re happy to accommodate that, because you were not allowed to before, so it’s retroactive for projects registered before today.

However, now we’re getting into the logistic of it. Don’t start sending messages right away.

We’ll talk about it with the mods and find a schedule that suit the greatest amount of people as possible including ourselves.

It’s not an obligation of course.


Ok thanks!

Will wait for an answer when you are ready!

In the meantime i will put the ones aside that i already had made

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Just an opinion could be unpopular, but all the images made by Captain still look very creative, personal and easier to connect with compared to the AI images used of late. These AI images all look the same to me, may be to some others as well, dull, same colour style, and less creative which act as mental blocks.

No AI image could come close to the Tesla’s Violet Pulsar NFT till now.

Not trying to criticise but NFTs are works of art and there has been ongoing debate for a long time now if AI art can be truly called art.


I agree on this. They kind of really all look the same and this is probably because everyone uses the same AI tool, disregarding the many others tools that also exists.


this one is just an image that i found on the net. i made some changes in color and size etc and captain added the transparent frame. sometimes things look very creative. just saying.

maybe captain gives us the space to be creative ourselves and at the same time it might save time for him so he can focus more on creating fields. and yes you can be creative with AI. with the specific use of words you ultimately arrive at a perfect image. it is a process.