Dance Thread

A thread for all the dance videos, conversations, and just overall anything to do with dance.

Let’s groove! :man_dancing: :dancer:


This is probably one of my favorite dance videos of all time. I’m an animation dancer and I grew up on this group since around 8 years old.

Here’s a couple more of videos I love from them!


Zendaya was better at singing and dancing than acting :laughing:


BROOO I grew up watching Shake it up and she was a main character LOL. I remember all those elementary school vibes! I had SOOOO much fun man…

This song was a banger. I used to dance to this song too.

We’ve gotta bring dance back, away from the tiktok dance scene :skull:.


I agree. TikTok is not dancing. It is softcore porn and a sales funnel for onlyfans whores.


Well, unfortunately I’m not much of a dancer, but I enjoy watching people have fun:


Dancing is good for the soulllll makes me feel happy to boogie round the kitchen cooking something up :sunglasses:


Some dance songs (we also used at dance school):

(last one is NSFW)


Best of Cassie Ventura :heart_eyes: – all have excellent beat for dancing:


Cassie - Me & U is literally nostalgia protocol.

Brandy is nostalgia as well omg. Brandi - I wanna be down, Brandi - Let’s talk about our love.

Chris Brown of course. Chris Brown - Transformer and many more.

So many similarities.


I was scrolling through my music bookmarks the last few hours. Nostalgia Protocol combined with Conceptual Conglomerate makes me understand WHY I like or liked certain songs and music pieces. Certain voices, beats, melody combinations trigger different emotions and different associations. All of these emotions and associations are connected to concepts that are representations of things I wanted to subconsciously manifest when and while I was listening to the respective song.


Some of my Animation dance songs.

(First ever animation dance song… this is where it all started.)


For some reason I always was this type of guy. Like I knew why someone liked a song, or I knew how to enjoy almost any song even if it wasn’t my forte. It’s like you respect the artist for what they have and their talent, and then it removes any obligation to dislike the song and the enjoyment follows. That’s why I could listen to rap alllll year until the talent show and dance to a song like this to get the girls hype :rofl:

But CC has also completely exposed the smallest details and subtleties in how and why certain things get me as well… Like I’m on the same page as you man, the smallest things, the pitch, the tone, everything.

It’s so beautiful to see the actual concepts at the root. It’s really astonishing how reality opens up. Earth really is just a huge combination of art.


Dance Stack:

Propably incomplete, was just a quick brainstorm…

Body (Movement & Flexibility):

  • Fields for the bottom 4 Chakras
  • All Workout fields
  • Spinal Tapper
  • Acu Automaton
  • Acupressure
  • Mana Circuits
  • Myofascial Release and Anointing
  • Gentle Muscle Massage
  • Automated Cardio
  • Emphatic Effusion+
  • Alchemical Jing Charged Blood
  • Plasma Charged Mitochondria
  • AMPK
  • Oxytocine + Y Peptide
  • Chi Compression Into Lower Dan Tien

Brain (Learning Dance Moves):

  • Anything that synchronizes the brain hemispheres (Brain Guild members need to comment here)
  • Conceptual Conglomerate
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Gonna need kinesthetic intelligence.:star_struck:

White matter for processing and full brain synchronization.

Mathematical madness for extra coordination and creativity boosts.

Manhattan method for visualizing dance moves.

Probably others but I am beyond fried.

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The nostalgia protocol exhausted all your dopamine when you got high listening to all that music…

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Brain inflammation and dopamine don’t go together either.

But man, I’m surprised I haven’t used kinesthetic much. I probably should LOL. Dance has to come back.

You’ve got me going through memory lane.

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@Jojo you just remind me of August mix , love it didn’t listen for a while :partying_face:

Btw would be amazing to have NFT Dancing !!

Love to dance :dancer::man_dancing:


Ayeeee fireee :star_struck::fire:.

Anything with that blue thumbnail was a certified banger back in the day.

Flux pavillion was the man :fire::fire::fire:

He had tons of tracks there.

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Social Bonder
Drops of Memory
Musically Yours
Opus Manhattan

Creativity and Artistic Expression
Fitness Motivation Booster
Productivity Powerhouse

Creativity Brain NFT :brain:

Throw that Lucky Artist in too :four_leaf_clover: :zap:
This thread is making me hype enthusiastic haha :star_struck: :grin: :dancing_women:

Performing artist here as a side gig lol