🌌 Darkness Dao (Taoist Alchemy and Darkness Technologies: Private)

I am finding The Darkness Dao NFT to be an extremely powerful NFT. Lately I have been quite busy at work and have been coming home later than usual which then means I am spending less time in the evenings with my beautiful NFTs. In just the short period of time I have owned and used this NFT I can already feel it changing me internally. Too soon to say how or what changes but definitely things are shifting. I liken it to something like this…


It is plowing through me and clearing and creating new channels at a much stronger and faster rate. Imagine a piece of land before you filled with all sorts of debris creating blockages and limiting access to the land’s potential. When you bring in an excavator to clear the land the transformation will be huge and it will be permanent. All obstacles will be cleared and you will then have a clear view of the magnificence that is before you and within you. The land’s value will be exponentially increased! You will now discover your potential, your hidden diamonds, minerals, precious metals, liquid gold, your hopes and dreams.


I am excited about this NFT. It is very special and very unique. It is definitely going to be transformational. :boom:


Thank you for your sincere feedback.
You are now the primary product tester :grin:


thank you Dreamweaver and Ugnis for creating this and offer this to me!

i have the Darkness Dao since yesterday. i read and read, i am a very slow reader, while playing the audio on loop. it feels calming and “friendly” :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
i was so fascinated what a perfect system the human body is in itself and in interacting with the stars and the environment. how it’s always ready to get back in a healthy state. these were my last thought before i fell to sleep. being so thankful for this body, feeling save(!)

so early, feeling this good and hopeful, i know it’s only in my mind. i have it only few hours and i just read it (not even the whole). but it’s always that i feel most at the very beginning with a field. it’s like a new friendship or love affair, when you see the potential of someone else and you only want to support someone to stay in their potential, and it’s selfless, it’s pure, it’s what real faith is…

waking up very early, like everyday, i feel fresh and very light. ( ok, i have a day off from work so it’s different feeling anyway, but it’s not only the holiday, it’s deeper).

i will play this every night before sleep. i feel so ready for this. i own the world myself being without fear., acting and interacting, creat and support. gifted with such a body (we all are), and such friends here in the forum :slightly_smiling_face:


I saw this message before work, but only now I can answer :grin:

you were very surprised by one ability yesterday lol

but i am not unique.
What is unique are the Captain’s products that reveal our uniqueness (or naturalness ?) in ourselves :slightly_smiling_face:

yes, and the infinite universe and billions of stars inside you too :)

this is the most ideal (i think) :laughing:

of course it will happen

we just got used to constantly hurry :slightly_smiling_face:


For now I have used this NFT especially in the form of a mandala, carrying it with me during the day and night (Audio is included too in the product).
I am experiencing gradual improvements on my psychic experiments especially as regards communication with certain begins, some energy work, everything is becoming more understandable, clear, easy to navigate. Again this only with the mandala so far…!
When I have time to add audio to my routine, I can only imagine what will come as an even faster effect.





This GIF already used here :smiley:

sorry, but I don’t follow all branches ;)

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this is doing something very profound. i was afraid that i had to face the darkness very closely and transform it or accept it, like hard work. but it’s nothing like this, more like the opposite.

usually my live was like a movie with background music that plays before something bad happens, the music that leads you to get shocked. always the big white shark music as a constant feeling.
but it’s not there anymore. if it’s the darkness dao or not, i take it!!
and i laugh again! i start to laugh and can not stop at little things. same time i stopped acting funny, being sarcastic. i wasn’t aware that it was an armor. i am still funny, but more piano and more “feminine”-like funny. more me.
it’s a short time since i got this. and i accidentally kept a small printed mandala in my pocket all the time while i thought i finally made an ordered plan with a bigger print of it and the audio. that’s actually funny, it tricks me :sweat_smile:


still no panic since i a good week.
it seems instant response from my brain. like a take a pill every evening as i play this every evening, sometimes the whole night, accidentally.
i took a step back from people, because i wanted. and i observe how some of them give a show of what they really are about. in full spotlight. this is where mental health helps me. i know where it’s me and where it’s them and i can a little bit control how much i get envolved.


The only thing is, don’t overdo it.
you have seen the whole scheme of the process - these mechanisms are very complex
it always seemed to me - that audio of this level is enough to play x1-2 times
it is like a self-extracting archive, which, once in the energy system, opens within a certain period of time (in this case - within the night)

it doesn’t need to be looped


i didn’t want to. i fell asleep

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the moon shows pretty much how i feel!


I will move this post here.

This component is involved in the process

Also, this information may be of interest to others.
(info from the “full” version of the project)

Pinolin should be mentioned separately. Although pinolin is not a psychedelic hormone per se, it plays an indispensable role in opening “gates to other worlds”. Pinolin neutralizes the so-called “anti-DMT” enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO), which decomposes the “spirit molecule” into parts. Thanks to the MAO “threshold guardian”, we perceive exactly the reality in which our physical body is, rather than wandering through fairy-tale worlds whenever we feel like it. The presence of MAO makes it possible for the body to survive and exist in the earthly world, but keeps the gate to our awareness of realities beyond it locked. As Franz Kafka said, "Life is always distracting our attention, and we don’t even have time to notice what it is distracting us from.

So: pinoline removes the guard at the gate to the infinite, so that the “key” of the DMT turns in the lock of the “door of the epiphysis” unhindered. This is also a quite natural process that happens to us every night during dreams: the epiphysis transforms melatonin into pinolin, which neutralizes MAO and also into DMT, allowing the spirit to disconnect from the body and restore its connection with the Source.


Anyone ever tried this in real life? I did a float tank a few times, and also lived in my bathroom with lights off and earplugs in, with house empty for like 24 hours once lol


I haven’t laughed like that in a long time. :laughing:
I’m afraid to even ask how you ate and did other things
No need to go to extremes. :grin:

(in this case, it is not required).


no food, and I think I brought a jug of water

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The difference in sleep when I use this is just astounding,

Fall asleep faster, sleep is much deeper, dreams happen much more often and are vivid

I used to have a tiny fear of the dark lol (tiny) and it’s completely gone


same! i love it!