De-Inhabiter Combo

I feel really strange after listening to the de inhabiter. Like I’m feeling different. Not good not bad. Just strange.

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The negative entity banishing frequency hurts my ears. I feel sick in my stomach as well. Can someone tell me how long should I be listening to these?

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Maybe don’t listen to that one with earphones :sweat_smile:
Just put it on on the lowest volume, you can even leave the room and let it play


Is it for the environment? I thought it’s the extended version of clear negative energy field

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It’s both, but in terms of working on you, the de-inhabiter will take care of things. The frequency is more for the environment.

And yeah don’t listen with headphones, it’s not because of the effect but because of the frequency - it can be damaging to the ear if you listen a lot with headphones (this is true not just for Sapien audios).


Why do I have a headache with this?

i’m considering to get this audio because my dad gets dark entities a lot. He’ll be in a great mood for awhile, then all of a sudden, he’ll get very angry over small things, then starts yelling, throwing things, etc. Somehow, he stays in this rage for weeks, many times it has been up to 2 months. Then all of a sudden he’ll be normal again, talk and behave as if nothing happened. This has gone on for 33 years at least [i don’t know how he was before i was born. Last night it happened again…

Right after that episode, and again today, I have tried playing the original Exorcism rites, plasma flower, internal crucible, white light waves around him… nothing worked. Still just as angry.

2 weeks ago, i had this dream…

i dont know if its just 1 entity or what, but it has come after me so many times, using my dad and also i have had other experiences in life seeing it trying to come at me. i’m at the point where i’m not caring about this entity anymore, not letting it scare me, but i’m also just tired of it and want it gone.

Anyways, if the original exorcism rtess isn’t working would this be effective??


Every time u get a thought related to that entity, try to habitually say the words “cancel now, change” (the now word is not so necessary but helps too) what this progressively does overtime is loosen its power over & gives more openess to think efficient thoughts that will positively influence the situation. The “cancel” word continously digs deep to remove its existence entirely & the change word acts as a replacement tool for outcome more desirable. Try to experiment with spirituality zone too & see how it goes. Even in your dreams, they maybe probably semi-lucid(if that’s the case, apply those words during lucid-like state too)


Buy this for him and let him hang it

I have an entities karma related for 4 years

and its gone so quick when i hang this


Thank you both for really helpful ideas and the fire wand. I will try out the cancel technique. I hadn’t heard of that before buut it seems so easy and definitely a tool i can make permanent in my life, thanks!!

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is the negative entity banishing frequency audio (the one that is high pitched) alright to play on speaker with dogs? i’m playing it at a low enough volume that it isn’t ear piercing, but still audible.

i am watching my dog and he seems to be okay with the sound, but i’d still would like insight from those that use this or @Captain_Nemo @SammyG @Maoshan_Wanderer


It is OK with my cat (almost always on my lap) on lower volume .


i felt more energy and safety with this looping.

helped a ton with my meditations.

i was feeling pretty disconnected lately and with this i felt more connected to life.


Would this work for Astral spiders? Not sure if that is what I’m dealing with but spiders frequent my dreams alot, also physical ones are always near or on me and I have the sense that Astral ones are also…

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If they are entities, yes of course


Yes it is fine to play around your dog. It is quite a piercing audio though in general. Can be pretty annoying lol. So playing it low is best.


perfect, thank you!


this is becoming one of my favourites to play daily.

yesterday i was struggling with low energy and boredom. i have so many things i could do but i just didn’t want to put any effort into anything.

playing this made me feel more optimism. i started to relate negative energy like it was monetary debt.

this ‘pays off’ my debt so i have breathing room for positive energy to take up my being.

i started to play this after enjoying the sun out in the backyard with my dog and i stumbled upon a movie of one of my favourite tv shows!

i didn’t even know there WAS a movie!

this morphic field is great with armor of light and glory!

another thing i realized as an empath is that i absorb negative energy from others quite easily even though my life on paper is great and i should be happy and joyful with gratitude.

this helps me get back to who i originally AM.


i still use this everyday.

i’m learning to be unapologetic for who i am and what i enjoy doing.

i feel less guilty and less fearful.

there was one point i even forgot what fear felt like as i haven’t felt it in quite awhile.

edit: april 22, 2021

this is an empath’s best friend.

my enhanced glory tag became effective because there’s no fear and negativity blocking me towards what i’m here to do in this world.

i also feel more non-dual and like mew from pokemon being able to transform and be anyone i wish.

more and more of my energy is available for me instead of being unknowingly taken by another energy.

edit: may 12, 2021

when i stopped using this everyday the negativity came back.

i played this overnight with essence of mantras and armor of light and glory.

in the morning there was detox through behaviour and not physical symptoms.

i realized that i would only do things if i felt ‘good’ and i wouldn’t do things if i felt ‘bad’. this realization led me to choose to take action on my responsibilities whether or not i felt good or bad at the time.

and then i got on here and saw this thread with this youtube review for sapien medicine and it felt synchronistic with what i’m going through:

edit2: i felt like i was running out of time this morning and because i prioritized my body’s needs before my ego’s, the universe gave me more ‘time’ as a friend i am meeting with asked for an additional 30min to get ready.


This is the perfect field to play when I wake up in the night and there are some knocks on my bedroom door, even though I am the only person in the flat :D
