Decluttering & Minimalism

…cleaning up my apartment from outdated stuff.

Found some good articles here with regards to common emotional and mental decluttering challenges and how to overcome them.

Decluttering can be a type of Shadow Work, since the outer world reflects our inner world, therefore using Ego Dissolution and Conceptual Realizations alongside may help.


Indeed very important! Same also applies to old chat logs, pictures, contacts…

Highly recommed everybody to add Devil Reversed for this!


One of my fav topics, and one that I’d long thought about whether an NFT project could be created to address it but I confess I can seem to figure out what fields would go into it other than detachment.


I spent a lot of time with researching minimalism and decluttering ca. 2 years ago when I first got the Ascension tag. It definitely made me to clean up my life. I got rid of more than 1000 items back then (half of it donated and half trashed).

If I find the time to dig into my notes, I will post the best decluttering questions/methods that I have found back then.

So fields wise, I would also recommend everything that (forcefully) raises one’s vibration. As one’s vibration rises, the clutter will become unbearable and one will have no choice but clean up and ugrade. As within, so without. As without, so within.

Also Amygdala Healing, Root Chakra Healing, Soul Core Restoration and The Star Being Experience for healing existential fears.


I literally wrote a book about this 11 years ago. And was one of the original bloggers on the topic with Everett Bogue, The Minimalists (met them in Portland at a blogging conference in 2009), Joshua Becker, and Leo Babauta (also met him at the same blogging conference and very uncomfortably tried to have a drunken conversation with him in a bathroom, to which he replied, “this is the weirdest conversation I’ve ever had”).


Did you grab every drink on the menu into your hands and asked yourself “Does it spark joy?”

:grin: :rofl:


I believe one too many drinks sparked joy for me that night. I broke “bro rule number 1,” don’t have a conversation with the guy next to you in the urinal.


Grateful for you sharing, @JAAJ. I don’t want to gloss over that.


I am in decluttering mode again.

Every time me and an item have a dispute with each other, the item always loses and ends up trashed, lol.


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