Deeper Understanding of the Principles of Morphic Fields

Oof… this is a lot. All right, let’s do this lol.

1.1 Well, the reason for this is moreso logical. If you listen to energy clearing after listening to unconditional love, repel negative energy and high vibration… then you are clearing those energies you listened to before since energy clearing clears up your whole energy system. This is why energy system is recommended before you listen to any audios.

As for fields overlaying other fields… it all depends really. When you listen to a hormone boosting field, the field is basically giving directions to your body to produce more of that hormone. The field is like pressing some buttons in your body that active a part of it. The extra stimulation of such hormones obviously remains for hours in the same way taking some testosterone pills would. It’s not the energy itself.

Now, listening to unconditional love would relay this energy pattern into your aura for the next several hours or even rest of the day (varies per person). Our energy patterns have many field patterns as a part of it already. Our body’s natural state has behavioral patterns, hormonal patterns, brain patterns, sexual patterns, ext… that recur on a daily basis and give you a very consistent unique signature.
Anyways, our fields just become a part of your signature for the next few hours. Fields don’t quite mix with each other when you listen to one after the other. They just continue affecting your whole beingness in different ways.

That being said… field’s effects can compound on one another. Like listening to 5 love audios one after another would enhance the feeling of love within and outside yourself quite a bit. It would be felt more and more strongly each time. Or 5 brain fields one after another would have compounded effects.

1.2 Two fields that neutralize eachother are usually based more on an energetic nature. Like best path and glory neutralize eachother because glory is pushing towards you to be successful with your goals. Best path is pushing you towards the path that leads to the most happiness (which often isn’t aligned with your current goals). But listening to testosterone and estrogen will still mean that you will get the extra testosterone and the extra estrogen since these are natural processes in your body you are simply activating.

2.1 Does the strength of a field build up progressively or is it completely present within the first second and the length of the audios is merely adapted to the optimal influence time of the respective desired effect?

The strength of the field Is the same all throughout the audio. The energy is consistently what it is from the very beginning. What may build up progressively is your awareness of it and its effect on you. Length of the audio is often adapted to optimal influence time although truthfully, some audios are a bit shorter than they should be so repeated listens are sometimes best to get preferred result. For example, unstoppable willpower is 2 minutes long. Although powerful, I think a few listens is best for an audio of that length.

Some audios are short like this because… that’s the length of the song when they were created.

2.2 The recommendation is because optimal results for that audio may require several listens.

2.3 Listening to the audio once makes the field a part of your audio for a while. Three times in a row reinforces its energy and effect on you for a longer period of time. Just enhances its effect really.

3.1 Yes morphic fields disappear with time. Our bodies naturally reject outside energy pattern after a certain period of time. When you listen on a daily basis or carry a pendant, then over time they become a part of your energy pattern and remain consistent just like all the other patterns that make up who you are.

3.2 The morphic fields gradually decrease and not so abruptly. It sustains itself long enough to have residual effect on you. But how long it sustains itself usually depends on the person. The fields tend to sustain themselves longer in more energy sensitive people with receptive auras. More closed and damaged energy systems tend to repel its sustainability a bit quicker. This is different for everyone though. Sustainability depends on your energy system. Fields are fluid and adapt to your energy system. Merge with it and become a part of it. Although not quite the same at all but I’ll use the analogy anyways, it’s kinda like viruses that try to merge with your cells and they become part of you for a while until your body fights them off and reject them.

4.0 I don’t quite get what you mean by this question but I’ll try to answer. We are all made up of energy of course. Energy in so many different forms from the subatomic particles to the organs. Organs may be ‘physical’ and not seem as flowing energy but it still is. It is energy condensed to a very slow vibration. It’s sort of like those fans that go at extremely high speeds and emit light that make it look like it’s just kinetic energy. But when you start slowing down the speed of the fan and then stop it completely, you get the physical fans themselves. In reality, everything is essentially kinetic energy that is vibrating quickly and when you slow it down, you get physical reality as we are now. It is sort of an illusion. A hologram projection in the same way those fans are creating ‘energetic holographic projections.’ It’s just the opposite in reality.

So back to the question… Morphic fields are basically what tell all these energy systems what to do. They are patterns that give something consistent form. Like coding in a computer that keep the operating system functioning consistently. It is negentropy. Order. Order requires organized systems that know what to do and do it consistently to maintain itself in stable condition. So we are not morphic fields but moreso the product of morphic fields telling all the energy/bodily/mental systems that make us who we are, what to do and how to be. And yes, our bodies too. Our cells follow these energetic patterns to know what to do. DNA is considered the coding that grants cells the knowledge of what to do and it is of course. But DNA is also made up of energetic components from which information is coded. This information is the morphic fields.

As for benefiting indirectly from the influences of fields… Depends. The bodily fields tell the cells what to do. And the cells then create the desired effects. So technically indirectly. Because as I was just mentioning morphic fields are simply informational energy. Direction. So indirectly and directly truly. Hope that answers as I went off track there :D

Are we ourselves the product of a single personal morphic field that is permanently influenced by external fields? Or do only our different energy systems interact with morphic fields? And so we benefit indirectly from the influences of the fields.

5.0 Blog. "5. can you play multiple fields at once with different devices? ( for example SLR field on mobile + another field on ur pc speakers )

Yes this tends to work. We speak of playing two audios at the same time in one device such as a computer as counterintuitive because the frequencies clash as the device plays both at once… disrupting the original sound in its totality. The original sound is what contains the field so in that sense, the field wouldn’t be streaming anymore."

Does this mean that I can listen to two fields at the same time as long as I use two different audio output devices? So is it possible if I play “Hair-Growth-Boost” on my cell phone and “Shiny and Revitalized Hair” on my PC at the same time?

Yes you can listen to two fields at the same time as long as I use two different audio output devices. If you can manage that through your computer then sure. Technically, playing two fields from same device can still work fine but sometimes because the speaker is playing two sounds at once, it distorts the original frequencies of sound in the audios and basically changes the audios original sound which contains the field.

6.1 No, the recommendation to leave a pause between different fields does not come from the fact that a new field completely overlaps the old one. It is recommended sometimes to allow a certain field to better integrate into your body before listening to the next one. But I don’t think this completely necessary. Doesn’t have to be done.

6.2 You can listen to a field once every 30 minutes to increase effectiveness but even if it is the same field, it might cause energy overload. Depends on the field too. I think love or high vibration is fine to do something like this but at the same time, I think it’s over excessive. It’s like drinking another cup of coffee every 30 minutes. For what?

I think a lot of the world has come to believe that more is better. But in truth, more isn’t. Your body is a machine that needs to rest heal and create changes. Overstimulating with the same thing over and over again can overwhelm it or cause it to reject it.

If you listen to a field that has an effect such as weight loss and then right after listen to stem cells, then stem cells would not have a diminishing effect on the weight loss. The body is perfectly capable of doing multiple things at once. It always is! So, it can work on burning fat while at the same time producing new stem cells.

7.1 Fields such as Ego Dissolution, Ojas, 5 elements and so on can be listened to more often than physical ones yes and don’t have diminishing effects on physical fields. I would still say listening to too much of them at once can still overwhelm but for the most part, it’s fine truly. That stack is completely fine. The best way to find out what field stacks work best for you is by trying them out. I think taking breaks between fields in the day is a good way to let your body/energy system integrate and not give it 50 other things to do at the same time. But some people can do this and still get maximum effects. You got to try it to see for yourself.

7.2 You can use other channel’s energy audios if you’d like. But no matter what you use… even subliminals… can overwhelm your body if you’re doing too much at once. Your mind/body can only absorb so much at once.

7.3 If you mean you can listen to different forms of energy at the same time as in having them all on at the same time, then you may still run into the same issue I mentioned before. Playing different audios from the same device can tend to change up the original sound because of your speakers playing both at once. That makes it into a different audio altogether and not the original with the field/energy.

8.1 Range of fields is more of a concept and as soon as we can hear the field, we connect to it. But also fields are energetic so they can fill a room and become a part of the ambient energy. You may not even need to hear it at that point.

8.2 The effect does not weaken as we stand farther away. Distance doesn’t matter. And theoretically yes, the sound in huge room can affect everyone as it would become a part of the rooms ambient energy. Only thing is, that you would definitely need to play it quite a number of times for this effect. It also helps if you mentally use up your focus and energy to direct the energy outwards and into the whole room for this really to work. Other people’s subconscious minds may still reject the energy anyways. But the vibe of the place can certainly be changed by this.

8.3 Walls actually get in the way of fields. They do have physical resistances.

9.1 Fields on pendants are no different than the ones in audios. They are not made with the person in mind. Fields are fluid and flow/adapt into the kind of energy you have. The intelligence is more in a sense that it naturally attunes and works with how you work. It is like water. It fills you up in the way you are formed.

You can give away a field to someone else and it would then adapt to them. Remember, fields are informational energy directing your energy to do specific things. So now you are granting this person background coding to direct their body or mind in some way.

9.2 The only difference between tags and audios is that you are wearing the tag all the time and the audio you listen to and have the field emitted and stay with you for a long period of time. Field remains in your aura always when wearing a pendant. The advantage to audios is that when you play them, the energy is like taking a shower with this energy. It’s more in your face and direct. A tag is like staying a jacuzzi of this energy all day to the point you just get used to it and don’t feel it as much over time. It just blends in over time.

As for simultaneous listening and wearing… of course you can do this.

9.3 The fields you listen to acoustically would not be negatively affected if you have too many tags on. If by negative you mean that your energy system might not create too drastic of an effect, this is possible. Telling your body to do too much at once is like having 100 programs in your computer running and adding 100 more. Your computer processing will be slow and it won’t quite be able to do certain tasks efficiently or not do some at all. So I wouldn’t call it space. Your aura has the space. It’s moreso capacity to do so much at once.

That being said, when you wear certain tags or fields all the time, they sort of blend into your energy and the processing becomes more natural to your body… so… listening to other fields would still work quite fine. I’m thinking moreso if someone is wearing like 7 tags that this could be an issue.

9.4 No the fields from tags do not work differently from audios. You don’t really have to worry about listening to fields while wearing tags/pendants. They aren’t going to counteract or anything like that.
9.5 Fields from tags/pendants affect people can affect people close to you but as I said before, their subconscious can still and often does, reject the energy. That being said, since your fields affect the vibe of your environment, there usually tends to be an indirect effect from the fields.

9.6 Just letting you know that we aren’t currently selling any tags. But to continue on… It is usually best to stick to no more than 3-4 tags/pendants at once. Less you wear, the more attention that field can give to your energy system/body. It’s like I mentioned with computers. Making the computer do too many tasks at once can make it go slower. These new energies are new programming. It’s like downloading new programs and having them play on the background. Having 5 tags/pendants can yes, end up having slighter effects… with some fields having stronger effect on you than the others. (That is dependent on you and can’t be objectively determined.)

  1. I explained this several questions ago. Morphic fields are informational energy. Background coding that tells energy how to behave.

You ask if there can be situations where no morphic fields except our own exist. Well… not really. Fields aren’t some outside sentient thing trying to enforce things on you or other people. It is simply a function of negentropy. It is direction for energy to have consistent/permanent form.

The essence of morphic fields is consciousness. Energy is form, consciousness is direction. Fields are the conscious patterns that consciousness forms over repetition, to give energy permanent patterns…

11.1 No it does not matter what you use to play the audio. As long as you can play the audio and hear it acoustically, the device does not matter.

11.2 There is no difference between youtube and patreon audios. Same audios except patreon audios can be downloaded in their original form.

11.3 Yes you can change the file names.

11.4 Changing the volume is fine in audacity. But… changing tone, pitch and things like that will change the audio entirely and not give you the same original sound of the audio. The original sound is what contains the field. The original energetic signature. So tampering with it will give you a whole new energy signature from which the field does not emanate. We had to do this with copyright free audios from public domain that others use. We changed the tone and pitch a little bit so we could have a unique energy signature to our audio. Otherwise, using the original without changing it all would mean that our field would emit for anyone using that copyright free audio in other videos and whatnot. So we’re careful with that.

But changing the volume is fine.