Printing NFTs as Tags

Does anyone know for any more gem combos like this one? Thank you!

apparently its less stronger when you get it printed onto a tag than if u printed out an a4 size ?

is that tru or naa, tags are conviienent asf coz full size mandalas just get damaged over time lol

Who said that? Don’t worry, I got small tags and they work perfectly fine. Make sure to meditate to your mandalas, helps reassure me the energy is there with me.

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is there any other way to carry nfts ? tags are too expensive and all my mandalas get wet and soggy when im working and I have to throw them

Maybe laminate them ? but I wouldn’t h able to fold then into my pocket lol


If you use windows on your pc here is an easy way to print in wallet size photo or smaller. Then just use smaller laminating pouches. Amazon sells packs of wallet photo and business card size pouches.

Earlier post in thread about printing in windows


oh wow thank you!! and do u still feel the full effects form the nfts ? I’d be stressing that it’s too small lol


Concerns about size are not really an issue unless maybe it gets to the point you can’t recognize the image. You already have a connection via ownership anyway, the mandala just provides a helpful physical link. Beyond that I think it’s mostly in your head whether you believe it can be an issue or not.


I bought a little kind of wallet or rather a card holder, and printed out all my NFTs in a size similar to a credit card, then I stack them all into the card holder and carry them with me.

Some days when I’m tired I don’t keep the wallet in my pocket, and I have sure to update the NFTs I’m having with me at least once a week.


What do you mean?

Sorry for replying to such an old post but I just saw this and I thought it was a great idea and looks so cool! I just have one question: if it’s sealed inside, wouldn’t it act as a “type” of wall. I read that Sammy wrote that fields do not work through walls here:

Also, I read that Maoshan put them in a muslin bag and Nice2KnowU puts them in a cald holder… but my question is the same. Wouldn’t those things act as a kind of wall and hinder the potency/effectiveness/integration of the NFT?


Resurrecting this thread as we have brand-new wearable Servitors!

Any new ideas/vendors for tags/prints?


From what Dale had told me, it was only a thick lead box that would obstruct the fields. Some of the old Sapien field tags, I can still feel them from inside my storage cabinet. Sometimes even from the next room. So card holder, muslin bag, clothing, etc., cannot block fields.

My GF places her tags below our bed (we have two mattresses and a whole zillion layers of bedding crap and pillows) and yet the energy is very strong and palpable. However, farther away from your auric field and impact decreases…


Sounds like nanobots or nuclear radiation :face_with_monocle:

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Thank you Maoshan for the knowledge! I just ordered some transparent pendants like the ones that Rose shared. Time to put these baddies to work :joy:


How many mandalas we can handle ?

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It will work if i print it out as blurry pic?

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not the same for all. depends on how advanced you are with energy work. try/test and see what works for you

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Placed an order for my 1st NFT pendant

Havent received it yet.


For NFT tags if you don’t need a pendant or mind lower resolution/quality prints, I’d highly recommend Photo genius (They have a ebay and official store) personalised photo keyring as a affordable option.

Its only 3.5 pound per print and comes with double sided photos in a clear acrylic shell. Gets cheaper the more you buy. I got mine just today and while the colors and pixels aren’t top resolution, its definitely good enough to fully feel the effects for each nft. Will link photos later! Not as expensive as pendants and more durable than photo/laminated prints, which really helps sleeping with/on them at night!

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