Déjà-vu (Testimony)

A big thank you to the Craftsman, Thank you :pray:
And also thank you to all those who joined this project.

Let’s reveal this creation and start with the title:

“Déjà-Vu” is a term of French origin that refers to the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before.

To many people Déjà-vu is linked to precognition, the psychic phenomenon of seeing and being aware of future events. This is what this project was all about.

This NFT will begin by eroding and therefore allowing you to see beyond the veil of time, beyond your programming and beliefs so that you can see and feel things behind that wall made of time itself.

It will remove your limitations and connect you with your future memories, feelings and let them flow through you.

It will let you experience the rest of your life subconsciously so that you can make connections between your future and present leading to better decisions and certainty.

The users will receive the global cultures of every generation up to 100 years into the future.

It will also allow you to tap into the future perspective on your present (their past) so that you can observe the bigger picture of the world as it is today.

Included is a form of push to develop and strengthen your own psychic precognition, really your ability to know the future before it happens so that you can use it in anyway you desire.

These new extra sensory perceptions will be enhanced with strong sensations and feeling of premonition when you receive informations regarding the future. These will be combined with a genuine confidence in your new ability so that you can feel comfortable using it as best as possible.

And to push it all to a higher level, the NFT will direct your expectations to align with the clairvoyant informations that you will receive.
It will guide your predictions or feelings about the future directly for maximum accuracy.
You will receive as much knowledge as possible about timelines and future timelines too.

And finally and extra dynamic ability based on the concept of adjacent possible combined with precognition will allow you to mentally position yourself in the near future in a mental environment created with future informations.

How you choose to use this powerful tool and the new permanent abilities you will receive is up to you. The future is yours :)


Great concept


Well done :clap: :clap: :clap:


Is this for all futures or for one’s own future? The artwork is beautiful.



It will show you your future, remove the veil of time itself so that you can perceive beyond time, all time.

And it will strengthen your psychic ability to know the future (precognition) so that you can use it in anyway you want for anything, anywhere in the future. You should become independent.

Also, the NFt will guide you and do some work too to reach the future.

With time the future will have very little secrets and unknown for you


It might just remove the illusion of choice. The artwork is beautiful. Agreed.

I was stuck in a dejavu for minutes once. I could see that everything that we were about to do was already done. Chosen before it happened. Predetermined. And I tried to break free from it. I chose to do something different than what I thought I was about to do.

Immediately I could see that I was also already supposed to make that choice that I believed was a breaking away from the script.

Was I seeing behind the illusion of freewill or was my brain merely glitching on whatever chemicals and synapses brains work on? I’m equally open to either possibility.

But it seemed so real.


Here are initial impressions:

When I welcomed it into my being I was engrossed by a very solid energy merge into my aura.

My conviction has gone up significantly and the unknown feels ‘I can handle it’. I requested to experience that version of me which had certain qualities as a persona and I started to ‘live’ those almost immediately.

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

This quote kinda describes it well.

And then if you can add ‘Solidifier’ :bomb::bomb:


Nice man

I have been waiting to share my full review. I seems like the party has started, I’ll write it tonight :grin:


Looking forward to it :love_you_gesture:t3:


I have been wearing it less in the last few days, but it started 24/7 the first week.

I feel like my mind has just expended into the future and I can tap into it like the present or past. As in my consciousness is moving forward and can access the future, the uncertainty is going away.
It is subtle, but I have been feeling it more and more

Sometime I tap into future informations directly, sometimes I tap into the moment I learned about it.
For example,

I can know that something is about to happen in 3 days
I can know that next in 10 days I will read or someone will tell me that something happened 7 days ago. I still know what will happen in 3 days but in a different way.

It is slowly building up and I’m not always mindful of it since I am currently too busy to care about the future. This will be very useful later on.

Edit: also yeah, I didn’t share my experience last night like I said.


Are you becoming medium Philip? :D


Or maybe I’m just losing it, maybe I already lost it

I’m turning into something but I won’t bet on what :laughing:


Quick and short Testimony:

I get answers for the questions / problems I have in my personal and professional life. It’s like the answers dropped in my head.

Another thing I noticed is it is getting easier to find solutions for the problems (based on my previous understanding on the topic) and I don’t get bored if I want to learn further rather interested to solve the problem.

I have been assigned a task at work. I had some working knowledge on the task (previously worked on similar kind of work 2 years ago). Without this NFT, it would have been like starting from scratch to come up with the solution for the task. However, the knowledge, ideas, exact solutions (using google) started pouring in and also I didn’t procrastinate to research/learn further to complete the task.


Is this field the same field called the silver thread?

Nope, that’s different one.


is this minted already?

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Not yet in our wallets


Hey @Dr_Manhattan: in case you would like to expand on this experience of yours?

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Killer concept and project!!
I’m loving it.


Just got this today.
I’ll report back soon