hey guys well i’m currently listening to my version of PONR stack but i want to prioritize some audios more as i still feel the imbalance
i still get so tired after eating and sometimes i get headaches and worse than that i get so depressed and low in energy after 1 hour of studying although i’m deeply happy that i’ve done something productive i feel so burnout and definitely low in vibration
i’m not sure if it’s about the ego? like the resistance to change or it’s just no mental energy etc or maybe solar plexus chakra? my stack is too long so i appreciate any input
Are you eating meals that are too heavy or with a lot of carbs? Does this happen after you eat a particular category of food (e.g. dairy, wheat)?
Have you only recently started to study? Try studying half an hour and then take a break. If you aren’t used to it it’s normal to feel like that after a short time.
Let’s try to exclude these very common causes before thinking of something more complex.
i’m taking shorter meals now but not much of change, and yes in our country basically every food has rice or bread in it and there’s no way to run from them at least for now because i can’t cook something separately for myself
but i was fine all these years i’m recently feeling like this
and yes it got worsen with some particular category i’ve never seen the name for it but here we just call it “those are cold in nature” i mean these can be from cherry and watermelon to yoghurt to meat etc i get headaches as soon as i eat them(most of the times) and here it says to be because of weakness in nervous system but i’m not sure how true is the whole thing as it’s not worldwide
no but i feel like i’m getting worse day by day like i was fine doing 7-8 hours and now the depression is no joke i even really enjoy the topic
i’m also planning to buy Proactive brain but right now i still don’t have the budget
Have you tried spending a couple of days not working and not listening to any fields? I feel like that when I’m overdoing it with fields, so it might also be that.
Food allergies can cause feelings of depression after eating. Eat one food item meals at a time so you can notice if some foods cause it and other foods don’t.
Also try the intestinal audios. I’ll have to come back to edit with a link later
Aside from the great advice above, take a good look at your sleep quality and whether that’s sufficiently high.
And besides that, very very important is a workout routine even if it’s a basic one.
no i haven’t tried it i’ll do that thank you so much
oh really? i didn’t know at all i’ll try my best to separate the items thank you
my sleep quality is not good actually i’d love to do workouts but for now i can’t put that in daily schedule