Depression spiritually

Depression to me sometimes seem to be a condition when you are off the track of your life … the track you were born to be on.
Just a thought… maybe we are all born on earth with some purpose… and if for some reason you loose that it creates mental emotional illness… like depression
I feel I lost that path and now not able to get back on it … that is manifesting as depression and now anxiety too


Listen to divine love and unconditional you. These will support you with unconditional love that is you. The higher you. I was like this too but I realized that the purpose of us here is to be in the present moment. And that when you are in touch with your higher self and therefore you feel the bliss of joy again. If you feel like you are lost.

Be in this present moment. Don’t think about what happens in the future or what already happened in the past. Just be present with the current situation (:


I would add listening to Memories of Joy Memories of Joy - YouTube
and A Belly Full of Laughter A Belly full of laughter (energetically programmed audio) - YouTube as often as possible, watching any movies or shows that make you laugh. Laughter is an amazing healer!


Personally, I don’t believe that we have only one path or one purpose. I believe we are here to experience and have free will to choose the ways we prefer to experience. We choose a path and it doesn’t work out very well - oops, try again. I find if I am hitting a lot of difficulty and resistance, I’m not in the flow, or as Lao Tzu says, the Tao. Being in the now and allowing “what is” is the quickest way for me to get back in the flow of grace and ease. Hope this helps.


I am not a qualified medical professional - so my advice is heretical at best. Depression can be due to physical issues, stress, nutritional deficiencies, emotional trauma, over-thinking and for a very small minority of folks, due to spiritual reasons such as energy imbalance, Kundalini pychosis, etc. We can all guess and recommend this field or that - but until you identify the real cause for it, solutions will fall short. Depression can be an extremely serious issue, so you should never hesitate to seek professional help as needed.

I have always felt that the whole “My sole purpose in life is X” - is a naïve and reductionist way of thinking. How can there be one path or one track when we are changing constantly as are the circumstances and the world around us? We need to adapt, re-charter our path and continue our journey.

it is good to be goal-driven, it is good to have aspirations and a specific plan to meet them - but to live life solely for some perceived higher cause, or get frustrated on not knowing what that perceived higher cause is - is a waste of the beautiful gift of life. Life and living are much more than goals and tracks, it is a beautiful journey - pause a little and enjoy the journey as well.

There is no need to have a grand, messianic purpose to everyone’s life. That we get to live is a GREAT purpose and path in itself.