DEPRESSION/Stress/Anxiety Relief


This video combines frequencies and energetic programming to provides a means by which you can help and reverse all the effects and mental state of depression while also giving you a healthy dose of positivity. This video also provides relief for stress and anxiety.

Depression is as much a mental state of being as it is a physical state. When depressed, people tend to think more negatively about everything and their brain produce much less serotonin/dopamine/norepinephrine. The lack of positivity and pleasure neurotransmitters result in a very somber mood that often makes people want to give up on life.

This video works on increasing the production of these pleasure neurostransmitters in your brain while increasing positivity in your mental state of being. This combination will not only relieve your depression but in time, completely reverse it and make you feel whole again. For the video to work to this extent, you must listen to it twice everyday. Everyone is different so it may take longer to completely reverse depression for some people but I am sure if you listen everyday, you will already begin to feel relief from depression and in time, be free of its chains.

Usage requires only listening, listen as much as you want to get your desired turn around in life.

For something newer, check here:


I :heart: this field.
I really enjoy the fact that it’s not only for depression, but it combats anxiety and stress too.
Whenever I feel down, I just listen a couple times and I feel much better for the rest of the day; also, I listen for a few more days, just to be sure; however, mental issues are no joke and the brain and the mind, just like anything in this universe, are ruled by entropy, so I find often find myself in need again and again…

Maybe it’s for the best to use it every second day or so (not absolutely necessarily to use it on a daily basis, although that might be even better).

Also, I need to check Depression Begone’s description, I forgot, does it include the stress and anxiety part(s) too?
Gonna read it’s description.

Many Thanks, Captain. :pray:
This is Life Saving.
I feel my mood being so much better with this and I smile way more.


Afaik Depression Begone is updated from Depression the Relief, that is updated from this field. I’m not really sure if it does include something for stress and anxiety.

Litany against loneliness is another update from Drepression Begone. I love that one. Feels better immediately vs Depression Begone for me. But DB works too, depends a bit on the day it seems.

The new Dream Muse field Anxiety Relief has this field plus All Purpose Anxiety Removal which is a key field imo (like amgydala and fear release). And you can follow along and those affirmations if done in the right state make a dent too.


Wow. Tnx for the reply. :pray:
It’s very informative.


Links up to date, Houston

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