Desperately need help with hormones

I’ll left here quick solution i did by myself
Manly man, DHT, Test etc… Just stopped working and it seemed like they lowering my hormones, which doesn’t make sense
But i started listening Endocrine system rejuventation and everything got normal again
After first session (2 loops) i felt everything is okay but religiously continued using it every 2-3 days


Even though vitamins, minerals could be okayish in a blood test, I would still advice to supplement yourself with multivitamin, omega 3 and vitamin d3 & k2. Nowadays, nutrition isn’t the same like 50 years ago. No nutrients, no valuable vitamins etc.

Did it. Nothing changed

Nothings works. Just nothing. Why. It all worked before

How old are you? You said still in school, that’s why I ask
And what analysis did you get? Free testosterone? Total?

Most of the hormones. Everything is fine except testosterone and things related to testosterone like lh and estrogen

and I’m 18

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There is a total testosterone and free one
If total is low and free is high it’s still good
Free low, total high, not sure, probably still not bad
Which ones? And which one is low? Or is it both low and higher estrogen?

Both are low

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First of all, from my experience as well, you don’t have to rely much on fields for hormones at this age
Your own perception of the world matters a lot, for example being spiritual in some cases may cause a little bit or even much lower libido, then it affects everything and then there goes anxiety, stress, insecurities which lower the testosterone. If you go from one extreme to another then try to find a balance, ground yourself. Stop overthinking about it, more stress less T
If that’s not the reason, try to look for the things people listed but research deeper
Maybe your workouts are too hard and your central nervous system is dying, or the sleep quality is bad
Also, what vitamins did you check? How much fats carbs and protein do you take daily? Enough?
It’s a very complex problem

enough proteins,enough carbs, Was not stressing bout it before but started stressing when it did not change after a long time. Worked out the same before for a long time and nothing bad happened. Sleep quality is good . All vitamins.

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Okay, could you please say how much was there before and now?
Free and total

you mean testosterone?

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When I checked it total was 147 and free was like 18. After that didn’t test it but I feel nothing changed. I still feel as bad as I felt and symptoms of low test are stil there

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What Chat GPT says about causes for this.

Low testosterone levels, also known as hypogonadism, can result from a variety of factors. Some potential reasons why someone might have such low testosterone levels include:

  1. Age: Testosterone levels naturally decline with age, typically starting around age 30-40. However, a significant drop at a younger age could indicate underlying issues.
  2. Hypogonadism: This condition can be primary (originating from the testes) or secondary (originating from the hypothalamus or pituitary gland). Primary hypogonadism might result from conditions like Klinefelter syndrome, undescended testicles, mumps orchitis, or injury to the testicles. Secondary hypogonadism might stem from pituitary disorders, hypothalamic disorders, or genetic conditions like Kallmann syndrome.
  3. Chronic Illness: Conditions such as chronic liver or kidney disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, or HIV/AIDS can contribute to lower testosterone levels.
  4. Medications: Certain medications can lower testosterone levels, including opioids, glucocorticoids, and anabolic steroids (after stopping use).
  5. Lifestyle Factors: Poor diet, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, and stress can all contribute to low testosterone levels.
  6. Obesity: Higher levels of body fat, particularly visceral fat, can lead to lower testosterone levels. Fat tissue can convert testosterone into estrogen, lowering available testosterone.
  7. Sleep Disorders: Conditions like sleep apnea or chronic sleep deprivation can decrease testosterone levels.
  8. Injury or Surgery: Trauma or surgery affecting the testicles or pituitary gland can reduce testosterone production.
  9. Genetic Factors: Certain genetic conditions can lead to lower testosterone levels, even from a young age.
  10. Nutritional Deficiencies: Deficiencies in certain nutrients, particularly vitamin D and zinc, are associated with lower testosterone levels.
  11. Environmental Toxins: Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) found in plastics, pesticides, and other sources can potentially lower testosterone levels.

Given these various possibilities, it’s crucial for someone experiencing low testosterone to undergo a thorough evaluation by a healthcare provider to identify the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

So are you sure it’s just or 95+% 2 and/or 9?

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No chronic ilnesses,No medications.No lifestyle factors cuz I listed them higher,No obesity,No sleep disorders. Did not experience injuory or surgery , No nutritional deficiencies,No genetic factors,not age cuz 18, And I have said that it started the day that I listened to the testosterone audio from sapien. And can’t get trt there so have to resort to fields which worked amazingly before. Now nothings works after that.

So u used nothing from no one before? Before it was in the average for your age?

I said in the thread that I tried other testosterone audios from other creators after that sapien audio made my testosterone low but they didn’t help. They just didn’t increase my testosterone they had literally zero effect. tried hormone balancing audios which made my testosterone even lower.

Ok, I’m not gonna read every response here in-detail, I have no time for it. I don’t have to be here even, remember who’s trying to help whom here. That much was made clear to you by someone else as well. So I’d recommend you stop overusing the “I said”.

You said after, but I asked about before. Since u mentioned like the DW’s Testosterone field caused you to have low levels of Testosterone. That ‘before’ might be needed context.

Above anything else, develop your heart chakra is my advise. Reducing your playlist to focus on a few things, and throwing away all the subliminals may be helpful too.

I don’t listen to subliminals. And focus on what things