Desperately need help with hormones

I need help. Long time ago when I was listening to testosterone audio it was working great. But half a year ago when I listened to it I felt like my testosterone is not increasing but rather decreasing. I feel tired asf. Muscle loss. Anxiety. No libido etc. I tried using other testosterone audios from other creators to get it up again. And they are not working. My testosterone is low asf. And for half a year I litreally tried everything. I don’t know what to do. Tried chakra cleansers,subconcious limits removers,Blockages removers,Reverse audios,balance hormones audios,endocrine system audios. Nothing is working. I feel lost. Don’t know what’s wrong. Also whenI listen to hormone balancer audios I feel like they lower my testosterone even more. Wtf is going on.

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Perhaps get medical check-ups. Make sure your whole endocrine system is working fine.

Well I got medical check ups and everything is fine except that my testosterone is low

You got checked every other endocrine organ? All those hormones and minerals?

That’s weird. How about your lifestyle and stress?

stress before was almost non existent. Now well lows testosterone can induce some extreme anxiety sometimes. Lifestyle ehh pretty basic. And what u mean by lifestyle cuz there is a shit ton of things that can be considered lifestyle parts

How thorough were your check-ups actually?

How is your lifestyle like?

updated the post bout lifestyle

Like what do you do and eat daily?

Do you sleep enough every day?
Do you meditate every day?
Do you eat a healthy balanced diet? No significant amount of junks?
Do you do physical activities?
Do you socialize well?

Anyways, the context about the endocrine tests is a non-negligible part as well.

Eat pretty healthy cuz trying to maintain the weight that I lost before my hormones got fucked up.
sleep 6.30-8hours
I don’t meditate
I workout
Socialize still pretty good but sometimes stay at home and just feel lost and desperate to figure something out to boost my testosterone or find and audio to fix this shit and feel hopeless
I don’t know what u want to know about the tests cuz I said before that everything is fine except the thing that are related to testosterone as lh, but found an audio for it with testosterone boosting qualities and It still didn’t do shit

Oh and I also noticed some people on the forum to have similar problems with hormonal audios even tough their stacks looked good

Maybe You are just assuming that it is decreasing testosterone because the anxiety is caused by pheromones…or maybe body has produced testosterone and to balance it out it is also producing same amount of estrogen and that’s why the muscle loss ,fatigue and less libido are happening

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I’m not asking you what exactly they were, just whether they are thorough. Sometimes these things may be checked shallowly, or u may have not understood certain limitations of those. I after all showed certain results once to my doctor, but he knew that without some rather very specific context, they don’t tell as much.

And it may be important to have it checked very well, cuz u might theoretically have a problem with them.

Didn’t see them much, do u have links?

A rather nice lifestyle. But make sure to reduce sleep deprivations, yes, they reduce testosterone a lot, and maybe consider adding meditation, may help with your anxiety.

Anyways, how long did u use those fields and how much?

But I said that I already used a hormonal balance audios fot a long time and they still didn’t do shit.
Don’t know what to do feel lost

Been to the doctor. Said the same thing as I said

I will sent links If I will be able to find them again.
And I did not said much or a lot of people I said some. Saw like 3 posts

And about how much and how long. Tried 3 times a day, Tried looping for days, and used them that way for about 6-7 months now

Ok, you might need another approach.

Keep using SLR 3.0 and blockages removers a bit.

Then add Mana circuits, use the ‘Energy expansion’ card

Then get the heart chakra field and try to develop your heart chakra, lots of that is related to Heart chakra.

And also, try sometimes conscious interactions, meditations with fields and see.

This may take long, but with long continuous practise, it should deliver.

From what I understand, you are quite young. Young system may initially not be responsive that much, but that’s just my observation.

Whats the SLR3.0 like full name of the audio,Used the energy expansion but as audios from one trusted creator. Did not help. Also I said i tried blockage removers also did not help

Subconscious Limits Removal.

Then keep using it, alongside with the attunement.

I cannot advise you on fields, of which I do not know from whom they are.

I know what you said, I can read, dw about that. What I meant is to advise you to keep using it, maybe not spamming, but keep it, it’s an important field. And you should use those fields mindfully as well, at least a few times.

But I’ve tried the blockage remover for like 2 months now. Does not work
It’s like I feel it working and silencing that doubt but in terms of my test results nothing changes
I feel like there is just absolutely no hope

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Not very helping. Saw it some time ago

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