According to Dan Winter the moon is responsible for the lack of spiritual powers of mankind. It is an hollow artifical construct which has frequency reactors in it.
For example it hinders the functioning of stargates.
Should Dream create a morphic field which disables this construct? For example blocking the radiation?
Right away I say no because life on earth is now adapted to having the moon and the effect of that (gravitational etc).
So if it suddenly disappeared it would be like an ecological say the least. It would affect day length, seasons, the tilt of the earth… a.lot of things
I would say that basically you should not be concerned about the current Matrix game design (earth under quarantine, secret societies, moon space ships etc.).
Just remember why you came here for:
To develop yourself, your consciosness, your free will, your sovereignty, your manifestations skills.
All other game aspects have their purpose and should not be of your concern right now. The Higher Selves who are playing this current version of the Matrix game will take care about these when the time comes
Sounds good enough for me, let’s unilaterally change the world forever. We’ll see what happens and the 7 billion peasant who’s life would be ruined don’t matter anyway, they should thank us for doing what is necessary.
But before that, give me a sec to bath into the mood so I can better fit in:
“Boohoohoo, it’s all the moon’s fault. If only we didn’t have a moon everything would be so much better. One big move to change external circumstances and we’ll have kumbaya”