Detachment for Spiritual Growth

Detachment is the practice of letting go of one’s attachments to specific outcomes, material possessions, thoughts, feelings, and even relationships. It doesn’t mean avoiding or not caring about these things, but rather approaching them without being overly attached or dependent on them for one’s happiness or sense of self-worth.

Origins: The idea of detachment can be found in many spiritual traditions. For instance:

Buddhism: Detachment is a key component of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. It’s believed that attachment is a primary source of suffering, and thus, detachment can lead to enlightenment.

Hinduism: The Bhagavad Gita speaks of “Nishkama Karma,” which means performing one’s duty without attachment to the results.

Christianity: Detachment is often associated with the idea of surrendering to God’s will and not being overly concerned with worldly possessions or pursuits.

Sufism: Detachment from the material world is seen as a way to get closer to the divine.

Benefits: Practicing detachment can lead to:

Inner Peace: By not being overly affected by external circumstances, one can maintain a calm and centered state of mind.

Clarity: Without the cloud of strong desires and fears, one can see situations more objectively.

Freedom: Detachment can free an individual from the chains of materialism, societal expectations, and the constant pursuit of external validation.

Misconceptions: Detachment doesn’t mean:

Apathy: It’s not about not caring or being indifferent. It’s about caring in a way that isn’t bound by personal desires or fears.

Isolation: Detachment isn’t about cutting off from the world but engaging with it in a more balanced and harmonious way.

Practice: Cultivating detachment often involves:

Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices help in observing one’s thoughts and feelings without getting entangled in them.

Reflection: Regularly reflecting on the impermanent nature of life can foster detachment.

Simplicity: Leading a simple life, free from excessive materialism, can naturally lead to a sense of detachment.

In essence, detachment in spirituality is about finding a balance where one can engage with the world, enjoy its beauty, face its challenges, but not be overwhelmed or defined by any of it. It’s about finding freedom in letting go and discovering a deeper sense of peace and purpose.


Agreed…But still it is very hard to implement…one has to be an advanced spiritual Adept or semi-enlightened to be able to implement it successfully on a consistent basis.

A possible reason could be because emotions like attachment, non-attachment, indugence, over-indulgence etc etc are ultimately Intangible Abstract Concepts that cannot be measured and quantified…like say pH value of water…like 0-5 means Apathy or Indifference 6.8 to 7.7 Means “Ideal Levels of Detachment” and 9 and ABOVE means Over-Indulgence.

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Well, not anymore since this release :wink:


Probably one of the best & hardest fields I’ve worked with. Have some resistance afterward. Noticing how to be better detached from attachment, and practicing it.

Personally my area is more on thoughts/feelings, and interacting with people/relationships.

Edit: Really enjoyed reading your post Nabs101 after writing this.



In a bustling town, there lived a talented artist named Mia. Mia was deeply passionate about her art, pouring her soul into every piece she created. However, she often found herself disheartened when others didn’t appreciate her work as much as she hoped.

One day, an elderly woman, renowned for her wisdom, visited the town. Mia decided to seek her advice. The wise woman listened patiently and then told Mia a story.

“Once, in a distant valley, a delicate flower bloomed amidst the rugged rocks. It was beautiful but often overlooked by passersby, who were either too busy or simply indifferent.”

Mia listened attentively as the woman continued, “The flower felt disheartened but then realized that its worth wasn’t determined by the recognition it received. It understood that true beauty and value come from within.”

“The flower decided to bloom with all its might, not for validation but for the sheer joy of expressing its true nature. It detached itself from the need for approval and, in doing so, found unparalleled freedom and contentment.”

The wise woman smiled at Mia, “Like the flower, dear child, detach yourself from external validation. Create for the love of creating. When you detach from the outcome, you’ll find joy in the process, and ironically, recognition will follow effortlessly.”

Mia took the lesson to heart. She began to paint without expectations, immersing herself in the joy of expression. To her surprise, as she let go of her need for acknowledgment, her work started gaining recognition, and more importantly, she found immense satisfaction and happiness in her craft.


I felt a short wave of detachment when I listened to this for the first time. I don’t really feel much anymore from this audio. I’ll still listen to this audio before any other field.

I felt a stronger sense of detachment when I listened to etheric cord cutter and I felt that the fields I used after it were stronger. I think for me, etheric cord cutter, angelic vibrations or angelic intercession, and ego dissolution is a really good combo to play before any other fields.

So I would say etheric cord cutter could also be used for detachment, especially for detaching from toxic people in your life and negative past experiences. Warning though, etheric cord cutter made me feel emotionally numb when I meditated to it, and it feels a lot stronger when I meditate to it for multiple loops at once.

I will try to replace etheric cord cutter with this detachment audio as this one is a lot shorter. I do believe this will help boost results with other fields.

Also, Ego Dissolution + Detachment for Spiritual Growth + angelic intercession or angelic vibrations (optional) = ultimate combination for energy susceptibility and energy boosting.


I do not think this can replace Etheric Cord Cutter.

They do different things.

Etheric Cord Cutter does as the name implies.

This is more for mental detachment.


5 loops

It help release some pressure in my head /mind some combination of anger + tired of everything and something else what keeps me paralyzed laying in the bed .

Paralyzed head / mind in a way , around my heart it’s less anger + less pressure in the head .

Emotions in me are calming down , that never ending helplessness is shrinking .

Love it :sparkling_heart:


This seems to help calm my depression and anxiety for a bit


“Tired of everything” I FEEL you! Grateful for these tools from Dream and PU! :muscle:

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I felt joy, enthusiasm and exhilaration. Have no idea why.

It feels more like how I’d expect childlike wonder to feel.

This has left me confused not going to lie.


When the world doesn’t own you, you become freedom itself.


I listened to this for hours and it released many desires that clogged up my mental resources. I honestly cried throughout the duration of listening because for the first time, I truly felt nothing owned me.

I found better values that aligned with me and most of all, I laughed with true authenticity. Such a beautiful field. :heart:


I had ignored this field, but reading some topics I realized that it is fundamental for manifesting
and achieving objectives.
Someone who has already played it, how many times have they done it?
Would it be better to start or end stack?
Thank you

hopefully this helps with my manifestations
thx dream as always for these epic creatons

To hope is to have a believe you won’t get what you’re ‘hoping’ for, why else would one hope?

I have faith this audio is what you seek in that regards.


I feel like before would be better as it helps you it can act as a booster in my opnion
less attachment = faster results

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I wonder how impactful this field could be speaking from a POV of someone going through rahu mahadasha which is gonna last until 2035, Rahu is all about attachments and obsessions and ketu is detachment, so keeping my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t5:

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Great share of experiences to add to the description. I think its a good representation of the effects

My guess is more on the spirit. As in not getting caught up in the mental, emotional, sensational aspects of being alive.

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