Detachment & manifestation

Hello Everyone.
I have been manifesting consciously for a long time now. However, I could never really understand how detachment ties up with manifesting. I have manifested multiple things, from SPs to money to experiences, weather, and other things. But I’ve always had my doubts about detachment, like what the importance of it and why it’s necessary ( if it is ) cuz by the law, whatever you believe, it will be. so if one believes that detachment is not needed to manifest, will they manifest without detaching, or is detachment like gravity? It’s a requirement and not a matter of belief.

Manifesting requires reprogramming your subconscious through your chosen techniques, mine is Self Hypnosis or affirming in alpha/theta state of mind and I’ve been successful with it. Another question is why? Is it because I reprogrammed my mind? or it is because being in the alpha/theta state repeatedly caused my mind or ego became silent and the negative thoughts/unbelief were not there anymore and the desire showed up.

I’ve read somewhere " when manifesting lack of faith is the problem and not detachment ". what do you think? for me being detached and having faith FEELS like the same thing.

Its not detachment as “dont think about it”

Its not “attaching” the outcome to something esential in your life, for example.

You want money, because money is cool and you could use it for nice things, you can think about it and enjoy the thoughts because its about fun things so that actually empowers the manifestation (Result = chances are money comes.

But if you need that money you are trying to manifest, thinking about it brings up the fear and stress of if i dont get it then (insert of the problems that wont get solved) result = money wont come.

Its about not attaching fears and blockages.

But you can rest assure you can attach happy emotions.

Then dont worry about it, there are a lot of techniques to manifest and the most powerful is the one ONE belives in. The one that works regardless of what the rest of the world says. Works for you? Keep doing that. Specially if you dont understand exactly why then trying something different would result in not getting what you want.

Again why worry when you have manifested lots of different things without paying attention to so call “detachment” why fix something that is not broken. Go with your flow and rhythm.

You dont have the answer for this? So how or why did you decide to start practicing your manifestation while in those brain weave states? If you dont know how that works? Lol you are funny with your questions :)

Usually Faith is the knowing that something bigger than you aka for instance “God” will take care of it.

And Detachment is about the knowing that your inner power will attract it.


I’m aware of this.

I am. I was just wondering about how detachment ties in with manifesting. I tend to question things until I get the finer details :stuck_out_tongue: I must admit it’s not the best habit most of the time.

I agree, I was just curious about the topic. Maybe its the result of the childlike wonder I listened to yesterday :stuck_out_tongue:


I took the technique from " the power of your subconscious mind " Joseph Murphy never really explained it in much detail, just " relax and quite your mind and repeat the affirmation. pass it on to the subconscious and it will happen " which is good enough but I’m just more curious :stuck_out_tongue:


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Yes you answered it already:

Detachment refers to the fact that after you have completed whatever techniques and methods you used, you stop stressing about it, you don’t think “Oh, did I do it right? Did I do it enough times? Blablabla” but instead, you go on with your life, almost as if your manifestation process has never occurred. You live in a complete knowing that your work is done. That is the faith you talk about. Its your new normal.

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