Devic Intercession - Devic Kingdom - Devas, Fairies, Elves, and Unicorns

i love that this is looking to be a more common combo among us!

thank you for the beautiful experiences you’ve shared!

this week my dog was with my parents, but i still play his ‘playlist’ that includes the 3 you mentioned for my backyard friends.

i’ve noticed that squirrels and birds come right at my window now. i have a potted plant on my window sill and this beautiful bird with a shiny blue back came over yesterday to try and hide a peanut. it was very funny watching the bird try to peck the peanut into the plant, give up, and fly away. :woman_facepalming: :laughing:


That is just lovely, aren’t animals just the best


So I looped this overnight, ummm and just a hour ago, I felt like years of depression and stuffed feelings left my body


Lol. So I’m sleeping again with this one (along with some others, in order to “cure” a recent physical mysterious condition).

In my most recent dream, my apartment was full of “cats” or should I say feline creatures. Hybrids. Something between Cat Sidhe and Lyran depictions like the one in the link:

There was something off in the dream. Not only because the feline dudes were using my entire apartment as a litter… but more because of an overall morbid atmosphere.

Then, I remembered what had happened a few days ago in my awake life: I was in the street, minding my own business, feeding cat friends. Then suddenly an aunt popped up. Out of nowhere. The kind of woman that I would keep out of my life, honestly :p

First, everything was ok, she was like “yes yes, good girl, you’re feeding cats”. Then she started whining and told me “when you finish here, you should also visit X and Y street and feed the others there too. Can you go immediately? Promise? I’ll be waiting and watching from my balcony, he! You’ll go, he?”

I was in a hurry and not in the mood to argue, so I just replied “yes, ok auntie, hmmm I’ll do that”… while I was pulling my tongue to her under my mandatory mask and thinking “wtf for Aldebaran’s sake?! It’s amazing how some people got a lotta nerve…”

Yes, so much for humanism and empathy (mines are limited).

Long story short, that dream of mine was probably a malediction from that auntie ;))) Lame but maybe not so inaccurate malediction after all.



What do you think?

Should we play Devic Intercession to speed up Gaia’s evolution?
Looks like these etheric beings are far smarter than Gaia, the clueless teenager herself.

It also seems that Gaia is a slow learner, without a plan and without understanding what she is doing or what she needs to do.
1 Billions years of biological life on the planet and she has still no clue what she is doing.
I barely see any progress since the Cambrian Explosian at all, at least on the physical plane.

And external beings had to interfere with her evolution several times throughout history (like e.g. replacing dinosaurs with mammals etc.).

How can it be that a single human can learn more understanding about life within 50 years of existence than Gaia has learned in 1.4 Billion years?

After 1.4 Billion years I would expect Gaia to be at a level of creating her own life and species sustaining morphic fields etc.

These are the things I still don’t understand…


To speed up Gaia’s evolution, I believe the best one is actually the Mass Meditation field :grin:

About some species being smarter than others, I don’t fully relate to this concept, as each one has their function in this ecosystem.

Humans are certainly problematic at the time being, but this is only one point in history, while we are dealing with a ruleset that most of us are ignorant of.


I see that no one yet managed to answer my “the elephant in the room” questions from back then.

Yet, the Gaia worship continues… :laughing:

You keep wanting Gaia to be something other than she is. Bashar said she’s always been like this because she’s meant to provide this kind of experience, cyclical and entropic. It’s her role in evolution of consciousness


I guess I was just venting.
You are right and Gaia probably won’t change.
My question is still as to why she has such a slow speed of evolution, whereas we clearly know that much much faster evolutions are possible.
And then people not seeing this and worshipping her like a deity…
Which still makes no sense to me at all :man_shrugging:

And then also, people worshipping Gaia as a deity are the same that get trapped in the constant reincarnation cycle. Coming back again and again because of some weird belief systems and assumptions. For much longer than needed for evolution.
This is like taking a shower for 5 months, while 20 minutes would already be enough to become clean.
Or maybe they just really love this game?
And maybe this is simply my impatience speaking and I yet have to learn to appreciate the “slow” things…?

I am not sure what that does supposed to mean?
The planet is less entropic than the physical universe around it. There is physical life on earth because it is a place of less entropy than in the surrounding environment.
Physical gaia is only more entropic compared to its astral version, but is less entropic compared to the surrounding physical universe around her.


Hmm. Honestly I have a single pre-birth memory and that’s endless love for both humans and Earth. May be why I feel differently about many things on this topic. Not that I like or agree with the way many things are here on this planet, but I did want to come here and assist.

But I do know many souls decide that this isn’t their cup of tea (which is a claim that is better not made before some self excavation).

The downward pull, both of consciousness and physical decay of our bodies that can manifest as illness… and so on.

This was a lovely interaction. Thank you :slight_smile:

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“Because these people have no genuine guidance and some do express gratitude, you, I, and even higher beings were surely in their place at some point in time.”

This is spoken like a man who showers to get clean…

And not a woman who showers to release anger/sadness/stress, cry, collapse on the floor of the shower in harrowing grief & heartache, wash the electric-edgy-uncomfortable energy of the modern world off, calm her nervous system, release emotions, cleanse her energy, unfurl, surrender, stroke & soap her torso/arms/legs in love, talk in reverence to her body/inner child, nurture herself, beautify, re-energise, sing, dance… and countless other things we do in the shower


If you knkw what I mean :joy: