Diabetes Stack

Good luck! Stay positive :fist_left:t2:

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Thank you, god bless, you stay safe now

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Not sure if anyone has said this yet… but play plasma first then the recent pancreas regeneration audio 2-3x should help tremendously with any diabetic issue. The organ fields usually heal the entire organ in a week or two of daily listening. They are super powerful!

Also, the original automated workout video with irisin


The automated workout with irisin helps a LOT, for me it’s more effective then the diabetes one haha


and boosting muscle growth at the same time!

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I have been using only Plasma Light for the past 2 days and boy I feel so great, can’t wait to see what the future holds for me


After eating I don’t get that tingling feeling in my face

which audio is this? Is it on Patreon?

Which plasma light you are talking about?

I’m not Shivy-SzN but I’m pretty sure they mean:
New release : The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach

That’s what we usually mean when we talk about “Plasma Light.”