Last night as I was falling asleep I normally visualize what I want while listening to a win the lottery subliminal. Something strange happened. Within 5 minutes of my sleep my third eye felt a lot of pressure and I saw like this lightning or this white light out of nowhere.
Not only that but a lot of random vivid dreams. One of them of course included the lottery. Here is what makes this strange. I saw 2 out of the 5 winning numbers for a certain lottery game. I wake up this morning and those 2 exact numbers I saw last night were played. (In my dream I saw that I won a free ticket but in reality it didn’t happen)
What exactly is going on here? And no I’m not on drugs lol. I have been visualizing what I want for at least 2 weeks now. What’s even more weird is as I was making this post, the place where the third eye is located is like tingling to.